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Broken wheel hub wheelhorse raider 12

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Hello i searching for a wheelhub for my wheel horse raider 12 its broke someone knows where i can buy a wheelhub ???   



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Welcome to Red Square :WRS:   How did you happen to do that??  We have another member here from the Netherlands that may be able to help you out.  Koen   @C-101plowerpower   Hopefully, he will see this and stop in. :)  Please verify that your axle is 1 1/8" diameter...it should be as it is a Raider 12...but you never know for sure from over seas.   The other option would be 1".

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Hallo Dennis,

I've got a 1 inch axle hub laying about somewhere, if that is what you need Let me know and i'll send it to ya for the shipping costs 

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40 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:

Hallo Dennis,

I've got a 1 inch axle hub laying about somewhere, if that is what you need Let me know and i'll send it to ya for the shipping costs 

Hello 101plowerpower 

the size is 23mm i dont know the size in inches 

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measure it again please, the axle should atleast be 25.4MM

25.4mm is one inch

28.575mm is 1 1/8 inch

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17 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:

measure it again please, the axle should atleast be 25.4MM

25.4mm is one inch

28.575mm is 1 1/8 inch

do u measure the wheelhub or the axel??


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Just now, ikbendennis said:

do u measure the wheelhub or the axel??



the outside of the axle

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7 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:


the outside of the axle

and the wheel holes are the same ?? i have 5 bolts

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Just now, ikbendennis said:


and the wheel holes are the same ?? i have 5 bolts


yep should be the same, minus the star like patern on the back, i'll see if i can find it tomorrow, had a quick look and didn't see it so i guess its burried somewhere

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1 minute ago, C-101plowerpower said:


yep should be the same, minus the star like patern on the back, i'll see if i can find it tomorrow, had a quick look and didn't see it so i guess its burried somewhere

okay let me know tomorrow you and you can then measure the mm from the wheel hub

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oh, damn it, just remembered where it is, its in the UK on callums tractor. i was thinking i still had it.


I'm sorry i can't help you with it:text-imsorry:

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2 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:

oh, damn it, just remembered where it is, its in the UK on callums tractor. i was thinking i still had it.


I'm sorry i can't help you with it:text-imsorry:

no problem thx for the info


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We still need to know what size it is.  The hubs are like standard to fit the wheel rims, but are bored out to fit the 2 different axle sizes.  You don't want to buy the wrong size and get it shipped from the states.  You can either measure the inside of the hub, or the diameter of the axle..they will be the same.  :)


You should have the 1 1/8" axle for a Raider 12. 


Edited by stevasaurus

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2 minutes ago, stevasaurus said:

We still need to know what size it is.  The hubs are like standard to fit the wheel rims, but are bored out to fit the 2 different axle sizes.  You don't want to buy the wrong size and get it shipped from the states.  You can either measure the inside of the hub, or the diameter of the axle..they will be the same.  :)


its less than 1 inch but a friend of mine gone make a custom one out of metal and stornger so its doesnt break again i will keep you up to date !!

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1 minute ago, ikbendennis said:

its less than 1 inch but a friend of mine gone make a custom one out of metal and stornger so its doesnt break again i will keep you up to date !!


the next thing breaking will probably be a more expensive and a lot more work to replace

anyway, got any pictures of your horse? we do like pictures


Edited by C-101plowerpower

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5 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:


the next thing breaking will probably be a more expensive and a lot more work to replace

anyway, got any pictures of your horse? we do like pictures


i have pics posted on the main forum in the beginning i think


9 minutes ago, C-101plowerpower said:


the next thing breaking will probably be a more expensive and a lot more work to replace

anyway, got any pictures of your horse? we do like pictures


i have here a pic i'm searching for a better seat more original look


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:WRS:, and you will need some RED paint too!

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If that hub is less then 1", you are not going to get a hub from anybody on this site.  We only have 1" and 1 1/8" hubs.  :think:

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This seems to be a problem with alot of wheelhorses,,, "Hubs" ,, they deffinatly could habe come up with a better design,, everyone of my 3 wheel horses have had hub problems at one time or another,, even my 520H that only had 420 hrs on it,, i had to replace hub ,, was loose on axel from when i got it from original owner,, so it was walered out,, 75 bucks down the drain ot went !! Lol

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i gonne remove my transaxe and look of i can find a number of the type of axe 


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Just now, ikbendennis said:

i gonne remove my transaxe and look of i can find a number of the type of axe 



if you do, post a good couple of pictures of said trans, and from the axle the hub broke on, that hub didn't break by itself i'm guessing

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OK...your tractor was made in Belgium.  That is a 4 speed transmission...does not have the hi/low.  All of the Raiders made here in the states have the transmissions that have the hi/low in them.  From the pictures in the line-up at the top of the page, your horse had a "4 speed" sticker on it before the green paint.  If you look at the list of Belgium Raider 12s, it looks like only one had the 4 speed transmission (#5080) would make yours a 1971 model #1-0310.  Check out this link and go to page 14.


See if you can find your model #...should be on the tower below the controls or on the side of the tower.  If your transmission is a # 5080, those are 1" axles.  :)  By the way...that #3900 on the side of your transmission in the picture above is the part number for that transmission case half for the #5080 transmission.


In the picture below, you see the axle on the left and the drive pulley on the right.  In the middle is a capped bearing #1532...that hole measures 1 1/4" Outside diameter...it is 1" Inside diameter.  Looks to me those axles are 1".



Edited by stevasaurus

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that sits between the axe and the wheelhub?


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Right...see that little round indentation just left of the drive pulley.  That is a capped bearing, your 11/44 toothed mushroom gear has one end in that bearing.  That hole measures 1 1/4".  :)  Looks like that would measure 30mm.




Edited by stevasaurus

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