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Welcome back, thought you were lost. Best of luck on the new home.



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Welcome back. I wondered what happened to you. 

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Welcome back, and you will share photos of your new house, right?

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Hi Glenn, nope, not lost, just a might misplaced for a while. :lol:

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Glad to hear you've found your way back.  :wwp:

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In time, I'll try to get some pics of the "Kudzu Compound" posted. Right now we are still trying to place everything. Some stuff still in storage, garage full of "stuff". Staying very busy trying to  organize:wacko:.

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Kudzu Kompound

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Welcome back....were you able to build a tractor shed as well :rolleyes: ?



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44 minutes ago, kudzu3 said:

garage full of "stuff".

that needs moved so some new horses can move in.:angry-nono::ychain:

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No shed yet sparky, but have an oversize attached garage to serve until I can get a shop built, soon I hope.

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Welcome back.  I also took a sabbatical, though for far different reasons, but missed this place, the people, and of course, the red machines.

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Welcome back Kudzu3!!  :)

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elliot ness

Welcome back and maybe some pictures of the new home?:happy-jumpeveryone:

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Good to hear you have a new dwelling! I took a six month break from all forums to get some stuff done around my house too. Glad I did and glad to be back!

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