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whhel horse 857 questions

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hello!!!! new here. looking at an 857. will it plow w/ a brinly  easily?  for purposes of  pulling a firewood cart,etc, whats the top speed? whats is a fair price for one in good condition...... thanks

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953 nut

:WRS:   The 857 is a very capable machine and will have no problem pulling a plow. Top speed isn't very fast, perhaps 3 to 4 MPH. Price varies by location and condition, got any photos and information on condition?  :wwp:

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857.jpg good condition, no leaks or apparent problems......

Edited by powderfinger
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Love the short frame 8hp horses! It will do anything you ask it to do within reason! :D


:text-welcomeconfetti:  :WRS:

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:WRS: Nice looking machine! Very capable of doing what you want.

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i'm considering buying it.whats its worth?

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  On 6/27/2016 at 6:38 PM, powderfinger said:

i'm considering buying it.whats its worth?


That greatly depends on where you are and how bad you want it. I saw an 857 for sale at the big show that was in good condition but the paint wasn't as nice as this with a bade and mower deck, he was asking $450 OBO and he didn't sell it to my knowledge. Saw an 855 (the same thing essentially) in rough physical condition, but ran with no attachments for $175 and it didn't sell either. It all depends again on how bad you want it and what it is worth to you. I have an 855 that I dragged out of a fence row and needed a complete overhaul of the transmission that I got for $60. Again, all in what you want to pay and what it is worth to you.  

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I struggle with 'what's it worth' threads because there's so many variables. Location, attachments, condition, etc. That one looks nice and you said no apparent problems so I'd say $3-400....maybe $500ish with a good deck. Make sure you drive it and check the transmission out. :)

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I hate ."What's it worth threads" It's worth what your comfortable with. It looks pretty decent but I'm always skeptical when somethings for sale and the pic of it's on a trailer or in  a truck. That makes me think who ever is selling it is just a flipper. Do what 
Bob says.

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As for pulling a moldboard plow, it probably will handle a 8 or 10 inch, but it depends on the soil condition.  If it's hard or very wet soil, then it will struggle.  I seen Cub Cadets and John Deeres with 7 to 10 hp handle a 10 inch without too much trouble if the soil condition is right.

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  On 6/27/2016 at 6:45 PM, Racinbob said:

I struggle with 'what's it worth' threads because there's so many variables. Location, attachments, condition, etc. That one looks nice and you said no apparent problems so I'd say $3-400....maybe $500ish with a good deck. Make sure you drive it and check the transmission out. :)

I intend to. whats a good test other than just running and shifting thru the gears?

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@powderfinger   :text-welcomeconfetti:  :WRS:

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If you can manage to put it under some load like plowing in third gear I'd suggest it. Slipping out of third gear is a common problem. It's not hard to fix but the needed gears are getting hard to find. Listen for any unusual noises in the process. :)

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  On 6/28/2016 at 12:12 AM, Racinbob said:

If you can manage to put it under some load like plowing in third gear I'd suggest it. Slipping out of third gear is a common problem. It's not hard to fix but the needed gears are getting hard to find. Listen for any unusual noises in the process. :)

great advice  !!!!!! thanks

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Also check where the frame mounts to the transmission. They are known to be broken or cracked sometimes.

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  On 6/28/2016 at 3:56 PM, scotty said:

Also check where the frame mounts to the transmission. They are known to be broken or cracked sometimes.


Very true I forgot about that!

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will do. thanks

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Retired Wrencher

powderfinger :WRS: These 8hp in 857 B-80`s of the 70`s 308`s of the 80`s and so on are all great little tractors to have I have had many Thru the years. I am sure you will like it. Enjoy it.

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picked up the 857 today. seems fine. what hitch and where do I find one for the brinly  plow w/ sleeve hitch ?


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  On 7/5/2016 at 7:24 PM, powderfinger said:

picked up the 857 today. seems fine. what hitch and where do I find one for the brinly  plow w/ sleeve hitch ?




Great News! We need more photo's of this horse! If you want a brinly style hitch and any other parts for that matter, put a wanted ad in the classifieds section. Someone will have one to sell you.

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953 nut
  On 7/5/2016 at 7:24 PM, powderfinger said:

what hitch and where do I find one for the brinly  plow

:WRS:  Fine looking :wh:, Look in our Vendor section for @wheelhorseman1000, or you can look on :techie-ebay:.

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Does anyone have a used sleeve hitch they wish to part with?  also looking for a 1 -7/8"  ball hitch.....

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