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Hi group!
I have 2 wheel horse tractors, a 552 and an 800 (?, I have to look again).
Well I pulled a newbie stunt that I'm hoping y'all can help me out with; I took my 552 apart about 8 years ago to restore it and got some work done on it but had to put it aside temporarily (LOL).
Now I'm in the process of putting it back together and I can't remember how/where all these parts go (Yeah, I know, take photos. too late for that now).
Can anybody help me figure this out before next Winter (JK)?

Thanks for listening, and I really like a lot of the jobs I've seen here so far.

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953 nut

:WRS:   Here is a copy of the manual, should help you.

Also, if you do a search on this site for "552" you will find lots of builds that will probably help.  Take a picture of things you have questions about and post them with questions and lots of folks will help.

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 :wwp: :text-coolphotos:



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:WRS: good luck with your build.

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Thank you too much for those files, 953nut.
I don't have a camera, that's why I didn't have it doc'ed before I pulled it apart.
I will post pics real soon though, I want to have the rebuild recorded as much as I can.

I checked my other tractor and it's an SB-421.
The engine starts but it dies as soon as I put it under load/in gear, and the last time i started it it smoked big time.
I assume the rings are shot.

Edited by Hukah
call out

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Rebuild the carb...

then try again.  :handgestures-fingerscrossed:

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:text-yeahthat: welcome to :rs:. There's one thing we like around here , and that is lots of pics ! 

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Take heart, Hukah, these are true farm machines - incredibly rugged yet incredibly simple. Everything fits where it should. Mine is a 1980 machine and I did as you did - took it apart without pics. I have a camera but am lazy and think at the start I'll know where everything goes. Never works that way. It's almost now complete and I've scratched my head a few times and bolted this or that in the wrong place but you' soon find the mistake when the next puzzle piece doesn't go right or that you've put something on in the wrong order. It's part of the fun. The engine is the same - simple and incredibly rugged. She went back together easily and only the piston and rings were replaced. I love these old machines.

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I went out to work on her yesterday (and get a couple of pics), but within minutes I found myself running to the bucket; I got sick and couldn't get out of bed til this morning.
I'll give it another go today, feeling much better, TY.


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I hope you guys will excuse my already asked questions while I get familiar with the site.
The B&S that came on the 552 was smoking and chugging when I pulled it.
I've been thinking about repowering with a Honda 5.5 (no generator) until I get the B&S rebuilt.
I see, and downloaded the manual for the 11HP on my SB-421, and was wondering if there is a manual for my B&S 5.5HP?
I typed in the search bar and had no luck so far.
Is there a link to look for the manual(s) I need?

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1 hour ago, Hukah said:

I've been thinking about repowering with a Honda 5.5 (no generator) until I get the B&S rebuilt.

I wouldn't bother with that B&S engine at all unless you like it, because it was not the original engine to that tractor. IMO any money is better spent on an original engine if you are going through a restore of the tractor. The original engine would have been a Tecumseh HT55C-3089 5.5hp.  H55 engines are difficult to find but out there or even a more common H60 engine would be more appropriate than the Briggs is.


just :twocents-02cents:

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My mistake, Wallfish, it is indeed a Tecumseh, and not a B&S (I was thinking of my SB-421).

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Then indeed it is worth saving!

Or using the parts. I have an H55 but it's not complete. It runs and does not smoke so if yours is complete, then you can use the tins, recoil starter, air cleaner and regulator for it. Make one good complete one outta the two. 

But if you want rebuilt for your restore, recently saw a thread that member @Wheelhorsestory is replacing a rebuilt H55 with a Kohler and it seemed like he was willing to let that H55 engine go. Try sending him a PM if you're interested.

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On May 15, 2016 at 8:52 AM, wallfish said:

Then indeed it is worth saving!

Or using the parts. I have an H55 but it's not complete. It runs and does not smoke so if yours is complete, then you can use the tins, recoil starter, air cleaner and regulator for it. Make one good complete one outta the two....


I believe this engine had a starter on it once?

it is gone from mine now, but the spot is there where it would have been.

i want the starter and generator to run my lights, so 

I'd love to have an original that is good, but I'm broke at the moment, so that's a future project.


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Got some pics of the 552 finally.

the fenders are just hand hung here. I'm putting a spacer between them and the mount. I figured it would be one less place rain could hang around.

does anyone know where I can get a new "boot" for the shift lever?

I didn't see the emblem guy on here until after I painted it, but I am going to buy the emblem kit he has for this and put it on. Really like the idea that he can put my serial number on the new one.

any tips on how to make old tires look decent again?


thanks for all the tips and suggestions.





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:wh: is looking great. :text-coolphotos:

Here's a good thread on the process of rejuvenating old rubber...


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That's a great way to re-start a re-store!  Welcome to the site @Hukah with that Ram 1500 Van, you've already got yourself a nice Horse Hauler!  Just get a couple extra decals to throw up on the side and you'll be rockin the red for sure.

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