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Hydro tranny test

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Is there a way to test a hydro tranny? Any way to identify red flags, excessive wear or other issues?  I might be going to look at a 520, but don't want any major issues.

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Drive it around until it is warmed up (Uphills speeds the warm up).  On pavement put it up against an immovable object (the tire of your pickup truck for instance) and see if it will spin the rear wheels with you sitting on it.

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I guess I have been lucky with my 3 520's and the 416 as they all have good running Onan's and good working 1100 transmissions.


They all seem to take different warm up time until hydraulic lift works but all work otherwise.


The other thing you can do is just like the engine, pull the dipstick and examine the oil on it for water, grit, bad smells etc.

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Check on the ground and underneath the hydro for excessive oil or leaks, most hydros do leak a little so a little is ok, but not dripping. Check the filter which is easily visible from the rear end. See if if looks like its been on there forever. Check the fan on the right side and what's behind the fan (cooling fins). If it looks lke its' real dirty or fins are even plugged might be a sign of the horse not being kept real well. Same with the engine.Ask if the seller has any service records.

Edited by WHX6

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Thanks for the good ideas.


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