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By Rick3478
Going into Fall, I'm looking to lighten the load a bit, and decided to sell my Mojack Pro.
This rig makes it easy to lift the front wheels of mower or garden tractor to sharpen blades, lube, adjust, or repair.
It's not shiny new anymore, but it's complete and functional.
Might be able to get more on eBay, but thought I would offer it to friends here first.
Sold, I think. I'll re-post if the deal falls through.
By Joe Warren
Wheel Horse
Service Tool Kit
Onan Industrial Engines
Kit is missing oil filter tool, otherwise complete. Tools in excellent condition. Small crack in plastic case, bottom, middle.
$129 plus shipping cost.
Message me if you are interested in purchasing. Thank you. Joe
By WHX??
So with all these weed eaters, chainsaws, leaf blowers and whatever we have that have these pesky Walbro's or what not carbs that are not supposed to ever require adjustment I need to get one of these.
So does a guy just get the 21 tooth spline or the whole set "just to have"?
None of my two strokes have anything but the spline?? ....Thoughts, comments?
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