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Sean Walsh

Sears snowblower conversion

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Sean Walsh

Hi, newbie here, I am new to the wheel horse world and have recently purchased a 93 520H, which I am doing a semi restoration.. The wheel horse is not very common around hear nor is the attachments. Any way, to the point, does anybody think that I can modify a 3' sears snow-

blower. This one is forsale near where I live....

Thanks for any input




sears snow blower.jpg

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Honeymooned in Newfy 27 years ago - loved it! Been there twice!


I don't know about your conversion question but you are at the right place - these guys will get you answers pretty quick...

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That blower looks old, heavy and over-complicated. I'd keep looking for the correct blower

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Sean Walsh

The problem is that the machine I have is very rare around here, the one I have is one of a few in the Province, which is on and Island in the North Atlantic, and I've never seen one before I purchased this one. There are a few snow blowers around but not many lawn/garden tractors, that I've seen anyway. the wheel horse I have originally came from a municipality, I believe...


Edited by Sean Walsh

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It wouldn't be cheap, but I'd buy a blower in the states or Canada and have it shipped in. I think you would be much farther ahead. You don't want to be fixing/repairing a blower in the middle of a storm with a couple of feet on the ground. The only other alternative I can think of is an Allis-Chalmers/Slimplicity blower. They are simple in design, somewhat lightweight and compact. They work well. I had one years ago. It was meant for a horizontal engine tractor and I made it work on a vertical shaft engine modelslim.jpg.6a2425df3695f8cc34118bf86d57776

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I have this one for sale 


Getting it to you would be the biggest issue.


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not including how to mount it on a 520, it would also be hard to get the belts to work, you would also need a gear box of some sort to get the belt to fit at those angles, and as said above probably not worth it, but if you are good enough or have somebody to work cheap enough on it any thing can be done with a smoking wrench and a welder i guess.





eric j

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Sean Walsh

Hi, thanks again I'll probably pass on it unless I can get it super cheap, and a single stage snow blower is no good around these parts, we get deep snow here and very wet at times...


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