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UHMW base plate for snow thrower

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Here are two pictures of the wheel modification to my short chute snow blower.



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Here's a view of my drive, looking both ways.  I think some of these wheel solutions might be a good choice for me.  I did buy the supplies to put the board across the bottom so I'll try that first and post back with my results.    



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You might want to put up some markers as well so you know where the driveway actually is when you blow it.


Catching those rocks on the side could be painful



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I was thinkin the same thing Cleat.... pick up one of those rocks she's gonna make some noise! Gotta love the spring thaw when the driveway turns to mush lodestone, Id hate to see the quote to have that blacktopped tho!


Thanks for the pics & idea JA, that tractor looks like it means business!  I am thinkin somehow put clevis pins in the u channel the spindle is mounted on for tool less in the driveway adjustment.

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3 hours ago, cleat said:

You might want to put up some markers as well so you know where the driveway actually is when you blow it.


Catching those rocks on the side could be painful



I'm slowly working to move enough gravel from other parts of the driveway over to where those larger grapefruit/football sized stones are.  The picture doesn't show it well, but most of those are below the grade of the driveway.  When I'm done moving gravel around it should be more or less smooth all the way up to the larger garden stones.  I'm not likely to suck those into my blower!  


Some marking poles are a good idea.  With the plow it wasn't a big deal, but keeping on the driveway is more important with the blower.   The nice thing is the drive is pretty wide so as long as I stay down the center I can make a path large enough for the cars without needing to get all the way to the edge.  With the plow that wasn't an option for fear of where to put the next snow. 


I did get a quotation for blacktopping- $15k.  When that's finally blacktopped you'll know my ship came in.  Until then, it'll be gravel ;)



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I know I'm late to the party here but. I have a Wheel Horse single stage 

blower that has factory wheels on it with a adjusting lever on left side 

to quick change the height. There are no skids. I know you want pic's  but 

don't know how to do that. I will get the numbers off the tag. I just picked 

it up today for $40.

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Forest Road

A little late to the party. If you're still looking for a solution try these skids. They're 2-3x the length standard skids.



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On 2/22/2016 at 5:58 PM, JAinVA said:

Here are two pictures of the wheel modification to my short chute snow blower.



Very well done!  No issues?  Happy with the placement and the amount of adjustment?

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   I am very pleased with the way that wheels work.The mounting bracket slots are based on the dimensions of the the original skids.The default setting is 1/2" and the cutting edge can be as much as 2" above the ground if needed.The tires are solid foam so that I never worry about flats.I am happy enough about the way this mod works that I will never use the skids again.



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@Forest Road-


Thanks for the link to the skids.  They got some really big/wide options there.  I never got to try my board last year.  I don't think it snowed once after I bought my blower.  My wife says 'It works great!'.  The board idea is really just me being cheap.  I'm partial to the wheels.  I think I even have a set of pneumatic ones around but need to figure out how to fab up something like JAinVA.  Wheels seem to be useful when blowing and when simply moving the blower around the shed in the summer.  Coming up with a simple way to adjust the height while attached to the tractor and standing in the cold would be nice. 



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