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953 nut

@nylyon, Can we set up a separate section of our gallery to keep these vintage photos in to make them more accessible? If a person is doing a WIKI it would be great to include some of these.  :thanks:

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6 hours ago, RedRanger said:



By the way, my parents say they had the same car seat for me back in the day.  

My dad put a rope on that cardboard box and pulled me around.  Must have been before I got the Radio Flyer.  I remember him pulling it on the carpet down the hallway in the house with it too.

Edited by TDF5G
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Have a pict of your LDT-24 to share Richard? 

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953 nut
13 minutes ago, AMC RULES said:

Have a pict of your LDT-24 to share Richard? 


Right now it is in the back of the barn, probably won't see the light of day until sometime this spring. I'll share a photo when I bring it out.

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953 nut
13 minutes ago, AMC RULES said:

OK  :text-thankyoublue: Richard. :handgestures-thumbsup:

Sharing a couple early :wh: picts here...I've saved too.  


Craig, are you sitting on the RJ or standing behind it?

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Always nice to see those old pictures. Thanks!

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25 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Craig, are you sitting on the RJ or standing behind it?

Not my pict Richard...

a saved pict from member "Bowtie" (Dave's) recent passing. 


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These are all amazing pictures!  Thanks to those who have posted them :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Super post these pictures are cool!!! Really enjoyed them

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Love these old pics !!!!

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can whlvr

amazing stuff ,to be born into a family that had horses before you were born is pretty neat

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Don't forget this :wh: classic...


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2 things about that home video: 


How did that trailer ever survive and how did they keep that tractor from popping wheelies? :scratchead::confusion-confused:

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Awesome picts Lane.  :handgestures-thumbsup:

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On 2/19/2016 at 11:06 AM, TDF5G said:

Rod Stewart is your son?    I'm just kidding.  :)


My dad still has the dump cart.  I think it's the same era, early sixties. 


Here is the 552.  I think this was the first :wh: my dad bought.   He discovered WH tractors when his boss, the Chevy dealer owner bought one.   From his description I think it was an RJ from late 50s.  It had a pull start.  Dad went to the local :wh: dealer and bought one with a starter.  The boss man was jealous so he went and traded tractors!


Oh, that kid is me again.   :rolleyes:  I was born in July of '63.  So these pics would be probably within a year of that. 



Great pictures, thanks for sharing them :handgestures-thumbupleft:

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I have pinned this topic so as to gain easy access to add more pics as the time goes on .

i love to see the oldies

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953 nut
8 hours ago, Lane Ranger said:

 1958 Wheel Horse Tractor!

:text-coolphotos:     Looks like the hood on the RJ got used as a seat a few times, my Suburban and one of the RJ projects in the haymow have that same custom treatment!   :ychain:     Love to see that covered wagon some day.

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953 nut
2 hours ago, TDF5G said:

 That's my 1977 B-80 with me and my daughter

The shot of your daughter in the cart is a calendar shot if I ever saw one!  :text-coolphotos:

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Retired Wrencher

neil. Let me say that these are fine Picks.   It is fun to look back and see the past. I truly enjoyed these.   Gary    B. 

Craig nice post fine material there. Enjoyed it very much. Thanks.   Gary      B...

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