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Lift Assist Spring

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I saw a post on here earlier of a lift assist spring. What exactly does this do? Can I get a dummy crash course on this? Also, does anybody know how to make a homemade one for my snowblower? 

Edited by arminer8

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It helps to lift a snowblower

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The lift assist spring is used to help raise the snowblower or tiller.The attachment is raised manually and at this point the spring is tensioned by tightening an attaching eye bolt.When the implement is lowered the spring is stretched and helps when the implement is raised again.This is very helpful on manual lift machines and when used on hydro lift machines reduces loads on the blower lift flag and lift cables on tillers.Luck,JAinVA

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Ed Kennell

I make mine from old garage door springs.    When I had my blower on a manual lift, I had 3 springs and by adjusting the tension with  a turnbuckle, I could float the blower with no force on the lift lever.     I latched a piece of round bar in the center attach-a-matic for an anchor point and welded a bar to a spacer between the flag and push bar for the other end of the springs.

I have pictures some where.   If you search "lift assist springs" you may find them.

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Ed Kennell


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Any way to do this for the mower deck?  I do have an electric lift that I need to mount, but have to resolve the rest of the electrical issues first.  I have a 312-8 and a 42" SD deck.

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Ed Kennell

Probably would require extending the vertical lift bar (the one used with the flag for blower lift) down several inches and attaching springs from there to the foot support rod.

It would have to be the correct height to clear the mower deck carriage.  

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Ed Kennell

IMG_1876 (640x480)    Sorry, image won't open.

Edited by ekennell

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can whlvr

I don't think it would very well for a mower,you don't want it to spring up when hitting bumps,the decks arnt that hard to lift so a smaller spring would be needed

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Years ago, from a salvage yard, picked up Caddy hood springs. Worked great.

The Caddy hood springs are doubled, a spring inside a spring. Length was good too.

The spring-in-a-spring had a lot of ummpth!


I guessing the aircraft carrier (size)  Caddy hoods were very heavy.  :rolleyes:

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