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By Jeff_B
Where's your go-to source for QUALITY 103119 bearing shaft assemblies? Also, I don't have my deck apart yet, but seem to remember they're tough to remove from the housings. Any tips or tricks? Finally, just recently I've had a couple of the center bearings go loose on two different decks. Once is one thing, but twice? More than a coincidence? Should I be releasing tension on the belt by loosening the mule drive when not in use? We've had WH tractors for over 40+ years and I've never done that before! THANKS in advance!
By RichInWalworth
Question. I have a 1990 single stage snow thrower for my 312-8. I am trying to replace the bearings on the drive shaft. How do you remove them? I have taken out the set screw, soaked the collar in pb blaster, put some heat to them, pounded on them. etc. They will not move. Am I missing something? The only thing that is curious is, there is only one set screw in each bearing collar. There appears to be a second partially drilled hole but no set screw installed and it does not appear to be tapped. What gives???
Rich In Walworth
By IthacaJeff
Hi folks:
The wheel bearings in one of the front wheels of my 416-8 imploded the other day while mowing. 32 years old, I'm not complaining. Anyway, with the advice of another thread I picked up a set of 4 flanged bearings off an ebay seller. . .3/4" ID, 1 3/8" OD. Problem is they are a loose fit in the wheel hub. I should need to tap them in, but they just slide in and out. No real play, but they can just fall out. The insides of the hubs are clearly worn. Any advice on snugging up the bearings"
By jerryme
Hi everyone I'm looking for the center/drive spindle assembly with double pulley for my 1985 36" rear discharge wh mower deck. The only #'s I have are off the mower deck. 85-6MR01-08150 8038. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
By porschpow
Good Morning everybody!
I am in the process of sharpening the blades for my mowing deck (Model 78360 - Serial 7904987) and I noticed that the deck has a crack in it right where the bracket to the mounting hardware (to the tractor) is. SO I know I have to get that repaired.
But while I was at this, I thought I could do a good quick once over on the deck to make sure I am ready for the season.
What I would like to do is the following:
Change the bearings for the spindles (or pack them with more grease)
Get new rear tires (since they squeak)
And that's about it
If anyone here thinks I should do anything else, I would love to hear it!
Where does everyone get the hardware (bearings, wheels for these rebuilds?)