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Wheel Horse Collector Club

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Anyone know what is going on with Wheel Horse Collector Club? The site is down again. Also, when are we supposed to get the news letter?


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I dunno I mentioned this in a post a couple weeks ago and was hoping Wild Bill could shed some light on this but did not reply. As I recall we were promised this would not happen again <_<

My Post A Couple Weeks Ago!

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The site has actually been down for a while now.

Good thing we have this place to loiter at :hide: !


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On the news letter, A friend of mine joined year before last and again last year and I also jioned this year at the show and neither of us has of yet recieved it.

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I have been a member for 3 years and I never got a news letter I am not going to renew my membership you think they could send 1 a year :hide: There are no benefits in being a member :wtf:

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There are no benefits in being a member

Do you atleast get a decal or patch ?

Never been to PA yet but do talk to some of the members of the club....don't really here much about it though.

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I have renewed my membership in the WHCC in person at the show for the last three years in a row. I have yet to see a newsletter too. All three times there wasn't any record of me even being a member - even though I was holding my card in my hand.

You'd think it would be a lot easier and cheaper to e-mail the newsletter to the members rather than doing all of the set-up, having it printed, copied, and then paying for the postage to mail them all. (which is very little if they don't ever mail them out. :D )

I know it takes money to rent the fairgrounds and get the "supplies", so I was never concerned about "donating" my $10 to the cause, but I do wonder how many members there actually are (@ $10 each) and if there is ever any money left in the kitty when the show is over.

I also know that "locals" and other non-members attend the show and since there is no admission fee at the "gate", they get a better deal than paying members. I have even seen some of them :hide: at the social!

I guess we just need to ask BP exactly what the deal is. :hide:

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Do you atleast get a decal or patch ?

Never been to PA yet but do talk to some of the members of the club....don't really here much about it though.

Well ya get a membership card and a decal. Im with TT if the newsletter is a Major cost then a nice E-Mail in PDF format would be okay with me. The main thing here is integrity and being up front and say what you mean and mean what you say! If the club is having problems say so be up front with yer members! I like the show I would hate to see it go by the way side and I cant believe the site is having all this problem! :D I dont see what the big deal is in getting the site up, I could have something up in less than 4 hours with more info than they ever had! :hide: As far as the site goes they could have all the past news letters in PDF format and If yer a paid member you can access the file section. Whatever they do they need to fess up as far as I'm concerned thay have some splainin to do! <_<

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As far as the site goes they could have all the past news letters in PDF format and If yer a paid member you can access the file section.

Duke, now there's an idea, since most of the membership is online at one of the wheel horse forums or groups anyway. Perry could probably answer this, but isn't that the way that simpletrACtors.com is set up? Paying, sponsoring membership gets access to more features? Seems like a pretty simple solution, and with probably less that 1000 members nationwide, it wouldn't require a high bandwith. Oh, and I was a "member" for two years too. I got two newsletters. I even tried emailing with ideas for future issues (as requested in the newsletter) an never got a response. Then they stopped coming, and my check stopped going.

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Duke, now there's an idea, since most of the membership is online at one of the wheel horse forums or groups anyway. Perry could probably answer this, but isn't that the way that simpletrACtors.com is set up? Paying, sponsoring membership gets access to more features? Seems like a pretty simple solution, and with probably less that 1000 members nationwide, it wouldn't require a high bandwith. Oh, and I was a "member" for two years too. I got two newsletters. I even tried emailing with ideas for future issues (as requested in the newsletter) an never got a response. Then they stopped coming, and my check stopped going.

Yepper! :omg: I think a paid dues member in good standing could access all the information meeting minutes, show pictures from years gone by heck I would even make um a special movie that could be downloaded and played. Wild bill could have tech session movies for the members, there is just so many neat things that could be done to promote this group and the hobby! I think the club needs some new blood :hide: I will not mention any names but when I was there this past year there was some people on the board that were telling stories out of turn <_< I could feel some contention. I was told the club has enough money to choke a bulldog so I dont think its a money thing. As far as I'm concerned WILD BILL is like the lone STRANGER, and he needs help! from what I have seen he is the one that loves this hobby more than anyone else that was there on the board and it shows!

The WHCC needs More Bill Pearsons!! I like talking to bill cause he has no hidden agenda, He is all about promoting this hobby and helping others! As in any group there is a remote few that do all the work and its a shame. I know all of this can get to be drudgery year after year, but thats when new blood needs to take over.


I know this because I am a 32nd degree Mason, 2 time past master of 2 local lodges, and a shriner. Have been to the Shriner Crippled Childrens Hospital over 30 times on transports to Chicago. MJ & I did the Shriners Christmas Party for 15 years and did about 80% of the work! Ive cooked more corn at the shriners corn roast to feed an army! I have set with many older shriner brothers over the years that just ***** and complain :D It's the same story wherever ya go, whatever yer doing ya just can't please everyone I guess! :hide: Been There Done That! :D Anyways Ill prolly get kicked outta the WHCC but now that I have vented I feel better! Theres one thing about me I have no hidden agenda either, If yer around me for very long Youll know what I am thinking! :omg:

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Suburban 550

The Wheel Horse Collectors Club puts on a great show in June and would hate to see that come to an end. The 10 dollar dues you pay is well worth it just to attend the show. I received one newsletter since becoming a member and now I don't even know where to send my dues. Bill Pearson does a great job with the show and hopefully he can tell us what is going on.

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Guest fireman

For those who have never seen the newsletter, here is a scanned copy in JPG format of the August 2005 edition. This would be awesome if it was continued. With the amont of recent (the last 2to3 years) interested in Wheel Horse, this could be a great way to distribute information and on-goings (not that Red Square doesn't do a great job :hide: ). The website used to have all of the information plus more if you were a member. Hopefully it will be back up and running soon. $10 was a bargain! Plus I haven't been to show but am definately planning on going in 2009 if it happens :horseplay: .





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Like TT said , I have paid my dues in person the last two years at the show and they have no record of me being a member , so I figured thats the reason i never got a news letter.

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Duke, now there's an idea, since most of the membership is online at one of the wheel horse forums or groups anyway. Perry could probably answer this, but isn't that the way that simpletrACtors.com is set up? Paying, sponsoring membership gets access to more features? Seems like a pretty simple solution, and with probably less that 1000 members nationwide, it wouldn't require a high bandwith. Oh, and I was a "member" for two years too. I got two newsletters. I even tried emailing with ideas for future issues (as requested in the newsletter) an never got a response. Then they stopped coming, and my check stopped going.

If $$ is what is wrong then they could up it to $15 a year BUT ONLY IF THEY CAN UPDATE THE WEB SITE AND GET THE NEW LETTERS OUT .

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