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Do you name your tractors?

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Interested if anyone names their machines. Seems like the ones I keep I give names to. The typical name is where I picked up the machine, "Baltimore Bob", "Medina Mary", etc. I do have a few other ones, " old red", "rock chucker" etc.

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Al C.

Never gave it much thought.  I only have two.  The first is a 1067.  I refer to it as "Dad's tractor" since my father originally purchased it - keeps the memories alive.  The second is a 1982 SK-486.  I bought this last year and simply refer to it as "the 486".  In general I like using their brand names because I'm proud to have Wheel Horses.  

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704 is Reddi


76 C160 is "The spirit of 76"


73 12 8 is Ezra


Power King is Elvis


RJ is Ralph Jameson


1267 is SKONK :)



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Funny that...     :confusion-shrug:

I tend to call 'em all mine.

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After I got my third 5xi, I started to name them. I even found a source on an auction site to have a nameplate made using the Maryland  "Farm Vehicle" specialty plate design as an added touch. The WH tractors are named using '50-'60's Western characters, and the Bee Hinds are specialty names.


See below in my signature. 

Edited by shallowwatersailor
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I like the names you've given then - truly time tested, I kept looking but didn't see the Lone Arranger listed. :)

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Ed Kennell

The 314 hydro is the only one of mine to get a name.     He was dubbed  MAD MAX  when I made the front mounted tiller.


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I name mine B-80, B-100, 654, 875, C-120, C-160, GT-14  etc.............., Oh one if them is called Jess's C-120 cause it belongs to Jess

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Although most of my Horses seem to have distinct personalities (based on how they look and how well they run), I've never considered naming them.  I think my wife would have me committed if I went that far.  Also, it might be more difficult to sell them if I name them.  Kind of like selling your old dog.  

Edited by SPINJIM
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I've been known to call all of mine a few names when they won't start, especially if its electrical. 


Chris in Florida

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54 minutes ago, clueless said:

I've been known to call all of mine a few names when they won't start, especially if its electrical. 


Chris in Florida

 when my equipment does not start that when they are named. All seem to have the same first name " starts with G "

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1 hour ago, elcamino/wheelhorse said:

 when my equipment does not start that when they are named. All seem to have the same first name " starts with G "

Or S-O-B!

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Pretty cool info.

I bet old Mad Max holds up to its name! That thing looks scary! (I like it)


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I think naming them is a good idea.....that way one I need one I can just tell the missus or  boys .....go  git old red, little red, big red etc.......

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I call my raider Hunter's horse and the 854 is Seth's horse.

One for each grandson.

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When I first got into Wheel Horse stuff (1974) I liked to give them the name of the ole fart that I bought them from...I'd paint that name on the front of the mule...but that got old as the herd got too big...but one of my favorites was "Elmer"....a little 8 horse square nose that spit oil out the exhaust so bad that you needed safety glasses..(real bug machine tho)...saw the nose sticking out of an ole blue tarp while driving on I-70 near St Louie....had to tour Elmer's machine shop before he would sell it to me...shop was a trip back to the 30's...an ole dark oily shop with ONE graeasy light bulb...all the shop machinery was run by belts from a jackshaft mounted on the rear wall....Elmer was in his 80's and a real "tool guy"!!!



Now, SALTY is about the only RS guy here besides me that has seen a real jackshaft!!!!,,,(ok, maybe "ole 550" has one in his shop...lol)


PS...I've still got Elmer in the horse barn!!

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Ed Kennell


   Great story Frank.    For a moment I could smell the oil and hear the hum of my Granddads belt powered shop as the sun tried to burn through the dirty windows.     Now, his blacksmith shop, that was a whole different set of sensations as I watched Pappy pump the bellows of the coal fired forge to heat a bar of steel red hot, then shape it on the anvil to a template of a ponies hoof that he had scribed on a piece of tin. The ponies were used to pull the coal from the three mines he had hand dug.

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I call one 'That damn red one' and the other 'That stupid old Ford'.

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Ed Kennell

Bet'cha  wouldn't part with "That Stupid Old Ford" though,  Pete.  

    I'm callin myself  "stupid old fool" for selling my '49 Merc.

Edited by ekennell

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I have a few old Fords....a Model T in progress hot rod, a '50 Sedan (avatar) and a '41 9N.  I'd sell the '50 before the rest.....and it's the nicest one of the three!

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I don't name my vehicles, but they are all of the female variety. When I start them up, it's " come on girl, don't let me down " so I'm thinking they must have a soul or something.

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Are they still ''female" when they don't start?   :bitch:

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9 hours ago, AMC RULES said:

Are they still ''female" when they don't start?   :bitch:

Yip, but I don't talk so nice to them when they be miss behaving.:angry-cussingblack:

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Yes i do. lol


212's name is little red and i call my 520's Onan the Barbarian or Big red. Those are the only ones i have names for. lol



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Good name for any 520 muz...:greetings-clappingyellow:

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