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Choke cable stuck

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Was going to move some fire wood inside this morning and the choke cable is stuck and I can't get it free. Any tricks to get it free?


Its a 312-8 not that it should make much of a difference. 



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Sounds like it's frozen...   :dunno:

tractor stored outside, by chance? 

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It's in my shed and it's cold out. It worked fine earlier this morning when I moved it. I turned the tractor off and went to restart it and the choke wouldn't budge. I'll see if I can drag it into my garage and let it thaw out. 

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Pull the air cleaners and spray a heavy dose of carb cleaner in to her.  Will probably make it rich enough to start without the choke.  Mat have to do it 2-3 times before she will continue to run without choke but easier than pushing her home


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Wife`s hair dryer should thaw a choke cable in a few minutes if its moisture..

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This is a inherent problem. I can't remember the time frame but a service bulletin came out on it. They also came out with a little kit you that basically covers the throttle and choke cable. I was told by a dealer that it really did not work. Best thing I found to do was take grease and keep the ends covered with it and cut a piece of rubber inter tube or something similar and put over the ends. Also before putting the grease on spray WD 40 down each cable to help displace any water. Then during mowing season wipe off so it does not at track dirt. Bad design having cable ends sticking straight up.

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If the cable has a rubber coating. I cut a slit just above a bent and spray the exposed coil with PB blaster

or any  spray lube a few times and then cover the slit with electrical tape. It works sometimes for me.


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Run antifreeze or HEET down into the cable.  It freezes at the lowest point.


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My 310-8  always got the throttle cable  frozen  the hair dryer  is a good idea then wd40 it really good 

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Had same problem and wondered why ends of protective cable were positioned upwards(?). - (assumed they must collect moisture at bottom of cable - thus freezing up in cold temps)  PB Blaster down each end of cable and working both ends gingerly (choke handle and other end of cable (pre - carb)  manually - in conjunction  :ph34r:. Good ideas here.  Plugging/sealing ends from moisture infiltration w/o inhibiting cable movement seems key.

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I fought one for the end of one winter and the beginning of the next winter.  Did everything I could think of, heat, drygas, PB, lanolin, and all over again.  Each time I said, "Well that will be the end of that problem!" until I finally replaced it with a covered cable.  No problems since!


It was freezing because if I heated it she worked.  I just never could keep it from freezing again.  Seems like it was well down the cable but heat travels and I was never sure...


Maybe yours is a one time fluke that a hair dryer will fix.  Fingers crossed!

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Thanks for all the help guys. I used the hair dryer and it worked for now. Sprayed some wd40 down the cable and it seems like it's working now. I'll have to keep messing with it to see if I can fix it for good or ill just buy a new one. 


Thanks again! Hopefully this helps others that have the same problem. 

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A couple of years ago this was happening every time I went to start my 310-8.  I'd defrost the bend in the cable with a heat gun and fill the cable with WD-40, chain lube or PB blaster.  Next day I would have the same problem.  


HEET fixed the problem permanently.  Same cable, I had no issues at all last year.  I havent had to plow yet this winter, so I dont know if I'll have to screw with some more.

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I had this same trouble and then I decided to cut off the entire rubber coating.  Now I just keep the whole spiral cable wet with oil and never had this happen again.  My tractors don't look quite as nice without the black on the cables, but now they always work.





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Nice black hood you have there C-85, I have one like it myself....:handgestures-thumbupleft:  Don't look nice like this, lot rougher than yours to say the least. Thanks for the cable suggestion although I'm past a fix I believe. Your cables don't look bad with the rubber removed C-85 hell' that's bling buddy..:wicked:...lol    I do hope it's still trouble free?

   My choke cable has been sticking even during mid mowing season so it's got more issues than freezing. It's all one can do to pull it out and I dry lubed it, wet lubed it with WD, LW and Trans fluid even, all with no luck. Same as others say I get it freed up working like new again, I believe it's fixed but next use its stuck as chuck yet again, very strange how it does me because it can be totally stuck the next day or two. Carb is brand new, acted same way on old/new so not the carb. I keep my tractors garaged too...It's coming off because I'm done messing with it. 

fwiw- Both my cables run under the engines flywheel cover on all three of my tractors so your throttle cable seems shorter than mine for some reason? Just say'n... Thanks all and stay safe!

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On 1/13/2016 at 9:17 AM, Joeyd said:

Was going to move some fire wood inside this morning and the choke cable is stuck and I can't get it free. Any tricks to get it free?


Its a 312-8 not that it should make much of a difference. 




Cut it, replace with a new one.

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Unhook it. Soak it in used motor oil for a week or so. I have done this before. 

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For less than $15 you can have a new one from fleabay.  And then no more problems.

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Thanks folks'

I was going to measure it for a new one today but it's very rainy so thought I'd wait. I didn't want to float down stream you know?..lol



I will toss it in oil for awhile just in case I need to use it on another tractor later, thanks.  I never throw anything away, it's not in my nature man.

Ask my old neighbor, Without me think'n I tossed him my old boxers once when he asked for a rag to wipe his hands off..lol    Took several minutes of my laughing for him to figure out what he actually had in his hand. I'll never forget the face he made upon his discovery.:scared-yipes:

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