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Rattle can VS Brush on

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This is a pretty awesome site with lots of people helping each other out. :hide: Anyway, I am slowly but currently restoring a 551 suburban. I bought "new toro red for old wheel horse tractor" in a few rattle cans. The color is pretty nice, and reletively expensive also. I sprayed all of the sheet metal parts with it. I was thinking of brushing the frame and tranny, but didn't know if I would get the same results, or if I should just rattle can it? Brushing seems like the way to go. but... :D

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When I rebuilt my 312-8 I sprayed everything except the frame and tranny, mainly because I didn't take the motor off the frame (but everything else came off!) and it was just easier for me to work on it with a brush.

I did spray everything else with rattle cans and was pretty pleased with the outcome once I got over the initial hurdles of learning when and how to apply the stuff to avoid sags, runs and checking. :hide:

I used Rustoleum Regal Red for my color coat and it looks pretty good!

Duff :D

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Teddy da Bear

I use "touch & tone spray can paint. Cherry Red is a great match.

$1.45 at Rural King.

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I wanted to have the right paint, but at $9.35 a can, it doesn't seem worth it. Now I'm 1/2 done painting, and can't change. The next tractor will use cheaper paint for sure. When you went from spray can to brush, was it a dead on match? :hide:

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Rustoleum "Regal Red" is another good choice. It's under $3 a can I believe.

I don't think the $10 Toro red is worth the price they want you to play for it. :hide:

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Coadster Valspar makes implement and tractor paint plus a Restoration paint in spray cans. IH red is a close match. I sprayed a few parts with the Valspar Restoration paint but didn't like it. Takes too long to cure. I did use the Valspar Implement paint for my wheels which came out good and cured much faster. I don't know why. I'll be doing the rest of the tractor with a gun.

Brian 1045 ya better not be going back to a rattle can. :D After seeing your paint booth setup outside on the driveway is what got me interested in going to a gun. :hide:


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Dang, I wasn't done. Coadster you get the Valspar at TSC. I believe the Implement paint was around $6 and the Resto around $8. They have a website you can double check the prices on.

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Awesome tips. Thanks guys. I'll finish this one in expensive paint and keep it. The ohter one will be in a cheaper coat, not to be left out in the cold either. :hide:

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