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My D-180 project

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Unfortunately not allowed to upload more pics here... But you could se my D-180 project if you are interested - with some mods at my site:
In the meny to the left - click Wheel Horse. I believe that it's quite unique... =)

Sorry for the only Swedish...

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Sorry I can not read Swedish , but the pictures are worth a 1000 words. Does the Trans Am belong to you ? Thank you so much for sending the pictures.

Regards from here in the USA

Jim Winder 

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Well, It's "only" a Firebird but yes it's mine. =)  Have had it since i was 18, that´s 25 years now.... There has been a lot of projects on that car also through the years. =D


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I took the time and looked at all your pictures and I must say, I am  impressed!   Great job on all your projects............:handgestures-thumbupright:

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I like the railing for your home!  That's pretty cool for sure.  Along with the rest of your projects, it's great!

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Well, It's "only" a Firebird but yes it's mine. =)  Have had it since i was 18, that´s 25 years now.... There has been a lot of projects on that car also through the years. =D


It may only be a FireBird but it is one great looking car. You have put a lot of time and mechanical knowledge in the Firebird.

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"Supporters" upload all they want.
We would love to see your pics!

Holy crap!  I took a few to look at the link!  Wow!

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I am going to have to get on google translate for that. If you ever have the time, please share all your build stories on this forum! Your builds look incredible!

You can post all the pictures you want by becoming a supporter (its not too expensive) at the top of the page click "Store (Support RS)".

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Thanks everybody for your nice comments! =)
I will sure consider to be a Supporter next time i have some pics to show. 

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I am really interested in how you pulled this off! This is a weak design with the D series and I had envisioned a coupler like this. Can you share any details? Looks like the hydro pump side is secured by a clamping mechanism of sorts. How about the engine side? Parts machined I assume.



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Hi tommyg, sorry for the late reply... Yes, the parts are machined! You could see on my site how the coupler looked like as standard. There is also more pics of when it is modified. The pump coupler have i machined some splines in and also cut it in two plus bolts to secure it.

However this coupler didn't work real well.... I put a lot of load on the front hitch and the tractor / frame bends a bit.... which result in forces on the pumpaxle and the axle sealing started to leak oil. The coupler was too tight! Later i remachined / welded it more like the original coupler with a large rubber plate and with more clearance. Now it works well! =)


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857 horse

I want you to know......i did read the entire link.....although everyone sends you their best.....

i think the cars are incredible,,,,,,and yes the railing is absolutley off the chain.....All prases to you to your sucess's and well executed projects...

Showed my wife your pics......She wants to know when you will be out of town.....we will just come gets the cars and the house....we will bring 2 big trucks..........thank-you for sharing........


yeah got nice stuff !!!!!!!

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