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Upper Canada

New member from Canada

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Upper Canada

Hello!  New member from Canada here!

I have been bitten by the horse!  My story goes like this..... I live on a 2 acre property most of which the lawn is groomed and mowed.  I had an Ariens lawn tractor that had more issues than I did advil for the headaches it gave me.  It was a big box store model ariens so it was, well to put it nicely.....junk.  I was fed up and the Mrs and I come to terms it was time to buy a brand new garden tractor.  So off to the green and yellow tractor dealership I went expecting to spend way more than I cared for.  I get there and look at some of the heavier duty green and yellows when over in the corner of the lot I see this red square tractor.  "Whats that?" I asked the salesman.  "That there is a Wheel Horse" he replies.  "Don't know anything about them, just selling it for my neighbours who had a small hobby farm and have since moved to a smaller house." he says.  So ten minutes later I am the proud new owner of a 314-8 Wheel Horse.  Paid $700 Canadian dollar for it or roughly $530 US!  I pull up to my house and the wife says that doesn't look like a new tractor nor a JD.  I don't know what it was about it but I had to have it, and I saved thousands of dollars.  The 314-8 is in good condition and runs great.  

Fast forward about 5 weeks later.....I am constantly on kijiji looking for attachments for the 314-8.  Then one day I see an ad just listed.  Couldn't resist.  I am the proud new owner of a what I believe to be 1960 Suburban.  I paid $150 Canadian for it or roughly $110 US.  Still trying to figure out if it is a 400 or 550.  The original motor is replaced with a 8hp Techumseh.  Pull start with electric starter option.  I am going to start a new thread on my Suburban sometime in the future as it needs some work....a lot of work.  I have attached a few pics of Suburban...note the exhaust coming right through the hood and also "custom" throttle and choke locations....gonna fix that!

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Just so you know...you gotta keep 'em seperated.
They breed like...well, ummm....you know...:wh:'s     
Two become four, which then become eight real quick. 
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Upper Canada
  On 11/5/2015 at 1:52 AM, AMC RULES said:
  On 11/5/2015 at 1:52 AM, AMC RULES said:
Just so you know...you gotta keep 'em seperated.
They breed like...well, ummm....you know...:wh:'s     
Two become four, which then become eight real quick. 



Storage space is not an issue.  Convincing the wife I need a dozen Wheel Horse tractors is where I may run into a problem!

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:hand:  What ever you do... :angry-nono:   
don't ask her permission first. 
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Great story on how you were bitten by the "Horse Bug"
You will soon figure out how to get more GT's into your herd without the wife getting too upset!

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  On 11/5/2015 at 2:04 AM, AMC RULES said:


What ever you do...    
don't ask her permission first. 

Yeah, it's more fun to duck and run later...............:lol:

Welcome Upper Canada      :text-welcomeconfetti:

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Welcome to the club, nice starters. Lets see where it leads. Lol


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953 nut
:WRS:           When I purchased my first :wh: the seller asked how many we had. My wife asked "do people collect these things?" The seller's wife just rolled her eyes and said " Oh yes!  We now have a dozen. With the exception of a few extra holes you do have a very nice Suburban 400 there.

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Upper Canada
  On 11/5/2015 at 9:48 PM, JERSEYHAWG / Glenn said:

Welcome to the club, nice starters. Lets see where it leads. Lol


It may lead to a divorce!  Lol

Edited by Upper Canada

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Welcome and Good Day!!!

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:WRS: I don't think it's the quantity of :wh: is the real problem. I think it is the amount of time you want to spend with them that might trigger a problem.

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Upper Canada

Dougc's "duck and run later" theory may come into play this weekend.  Coworker of mine noticed me surfing red square and asked if I owned a Wheel Horse.  Turns out he has one too.  Says it has been sitting the last couple of years.  He doesn't know what model it is but says it is from the 70's or 80's and has a 18hp kohler and hydrostatic drive.  He says he may consider selling it.  I am going to go check it out this weekend hopefully.

I may have a problem.....that will be 3 horses in a 7 week span if he decides to sell and the price is right.

Edited by Upper Canada

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Doesn't sound like as much as a problem, but a good luck streak!  Does upper Canada sell Lotto tickets?  Better get one on the way home from your 3rd horse!

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Upper Canada
  On 11/6/2015 at 11:16 AM, pullstart said:

Doesn't sound like as much as a problem, but a good luck streak!  Does upper Canada sell Lotto tickets?  Better get one on the way home from your 3rd horse!

We have lotto tickets....but my numbers never seem to match the winning ones.

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JC 1965

Hello and    :WRS:

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can whlvr


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