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Question About attaching snowthrower

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I have a C-Series tractor, 1980 or 1981, black hood.
It came with a snowthrower (snowblower?) already mounted. When I removed it, I didn't take pictures, and wish I did. Now, today, I have attempted to reattach it. I have it attached to the frame via a single bolt that goes all the way through. There is a long bar and tube beneath. The tube has a large nut at one end, and it goes into the hook located at the center rear of the snowthrower. The other end has a long rob, with a piece of flat stock welded to it, and a hole drilled into it. It is just large enough for the pin on the rock shaft (I think thats the term) which normally goes into the mounting point of a mower deck. So I placed the flat stock in such position that it does that. (see pic below).

I routed the belt onto the pulley closest to the engine because in the outer groove it would not line up properly. The auger turns great, needs a bit of oiling I think. 

When I put the hydraulic control into up or down, the snowthrower body does nothing. It never rests on the ground, and in the 'up' position the shaft and tube assembly bend to a degree that makes me nervous. 

The tube and bar meet up with a pin and there is  nail to keep them together.

It appears that the snowthrower has had some fabricating done to it, not sure if it was out of necessity to keep a worn implement running, or if it was due to modify it to fit my machine. I cannot find much from the data plate (below pic). The measurement is about 36.5 inches at the front. 

Does anyone have any suggestions about the tube and bar stock which is supposed to lift? I went 17 pages deep into implements forum, and search was relatively bland for solution.

As always, thanks for your assistance. 



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Ed Kennell

You need a lift rod and flag.  The flag pin goes in the top hole of the vertical arm on the rock shaft that is about 12" behind the lever in your pic. The rod in your picture is in the deck  lift lever. This only moves the rod up and down. The blower lift rod must be pushed forward to raise the blower.




Edited by ekennell

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Here is a manual for the 32" model 6-2211 snowthrower

Here is a manual for the 42" snowthrower sold in 1980 for a long frame tractor like yours
This design was used 1973 until the last in 2007 and very common.

Other than the front attachment to the tractor, the length of the lift tube and snowthrower width they are not all that different.


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Thank you for the pictures and the file link posted.

As for my lift rod and flag, it appears to be janky. My flag end has no post to fit into the lift arm, but rather a hole. When I try to put a bolt in it and match it up to where it should go, the top of my janky flag hits the bottom of the tractor. Off to find a flag!

Also, I've no wheels on the front of my snowthrower, but I have little steel wedges in the shape of a small skid. Has anyone else seen this?

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Yep mine has skids too, it's normal

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Ed Kennell

Some blowers had adjustable skids and some had wheels ...one  on each side.    If the wedge shaped skid you refer to is welded across the back of the blower, you still need the side mounted skids or wheels.     You can see part of the right side skid in the lower right corner of the pic.  Also see the front end of the lift tube and attachment to the blower.


Edited by ekennell
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