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Replacement Kohler ignition module

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Hi all:
It has been a while since I've posted here, as I've been over at the Garage Journal the past year getting help on my new garage. Need a place to work on the horses. Now that the garage is mostly done, I've pulled in the first of my projects, my Deutz Allis 1920 (rebadged Simplicity Sunstar). Okay, so not a WH, but the horses are the ones actually running!

The Kohler Magnum M20 lost spark in one cylinder, had to pull the engine to access the ignition module. An OEM Kohler is about $160, aftermarket no-names are $50-70.  A Stens replacement is about $115

Or, which of these three options?

What are your thoughts? Don't want to pay OEM prices!

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No responses, my fellow WH'ers?

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I'd say pick the one you are comfortable with. Probably all come from the same place.

I stopped ordering from Pat's because the last 3 orders got screwed up. The latest showed up a month after the order was placed. It would've never got here if I didn't call and spend a 1/2 hour with one of their geniuses to figure out what happened. I even asked to pay for expedited shipping which they conveniently forgot to do! They never have any problem charging my card right away but as for getting the merchandise out the door, they take their sweet a$$ time! Other orders weren't shipped out for over a week with no back orders. Seems they don't stock much inventory any more and order from their suppliers AFTER a customer places an order so the long wait is for them to receive it before they can ship it. So, expect to receive an order 2 weeks or more after you place your order.
Sorry for the rant but just needed to vent.

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