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transmission installation

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I just finished re assembling the tranny I wrote about in "First Gear Slips out".  Hopefully tomorrow I'll close out that thread by reporting the tranny works well.  But here is a different thread.  Maybe I did it the hard way or maybe not but re attaching it to the tractor frame is not a happy experience.  First I slid the frame over the trans and found out I can't lift the tranny with one hand while I insert bolts or even slide the two pilot bolts I made to help align the trans.  Of course the frame rocks side to side while you try to manuover the trans.  So I put the frame on jack stands just ahead that eliminated the rocking but now the frame is higher.  Hum...  then an idea the nylon ratcheting straps I use to hold things on my trailer.  One pulls the trans unevenly so I used a pair under the trans up and over the frame (I tipped the seat pan back out of the way.)  One at the front and one at the rear.  Picking up a little at a time, one then the other I got it in place.  wiggling it I was able to get the bolts in place.
Was this a good way to get the job done?   I ,mean If I had a gantry  and a trans jack and ... but I don't so tell me how to do it better next time.  But it is up and I didn't get hurt or break anything so it wasn't too bad.

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953 nut
:twocents-02cents:       I have had good luck using four pieces of all-thread rod and nuts to align and pull up together.
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You had all the usual issues...the rocking frame, etc.  Jack stands on the frame, got to have those pilot bolts, and I use a floor jack to balance and raise the trans into place.  I like Richard's idea also.  :)

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I used a floor jack also.  I did not have jack stands at the time so one cinder block, two short pieces of 2x8, and one short piece of 3/4 pine were the substitutes.  Necessity is the mother of invention!

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I use a hyd. lift table for the trans, jack stands on the frame to eliminate the rocking and a mower jack on the front wheels. I lift the front of the tractor enough to get the halves lined up, a couple of alignment studs and then 2 bolts to pull it together. a cheap ATV jack also works well for the trans and is more stable than a floor jack.

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JC 1965

I used jack stands to hold the frame and a floor jack to lift the trans. Whatever works as long as you get it done.     :thumbs2:

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953 nut

I used jack stands to hold the frame and a floor jack to lift the trans. Whatever works as long as you get it done.     :thumbs2:


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