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By 87 312-8
looking for mule drive bearings for a 36 inch rear discharge deck 1986/87 312-8, thank you
By davem1111
I'm trying to figure out how to fix two problems:
1. Drive belt from PTO to deck keeps flipping over between the PTO and the mule. Everything looks okay, belt runs right between mule and deck. It cuts just fine, but I'm concerned that running the belt on its back through the PTO will shorten its life a lot.
2. PTO handle kicks off at random times while engaged. Not doing anything unusual, just cruising along mowing, and boom, it flips back. Missing spring maybe?
Any ideas?
By Joel
My dad gave me his c105 with a plow attachment. I have taken the mule gear off to replace the belt, check bearings, and replace fasteners. Although now I cant seem to get the darn thing back on. I know I should've taken pictures b4 tearing into it. I guess I got too excited. If someone could send a pic of how theirs is mounted thatd be great!
By Rock farmer
Are the bearings replaceble by themselves?
or do I need to replace the pulley?
The inner vee pulley has a destroyed bearing.
can I use a puller to remove the outer idler pulley?
or will I destroy that one trying to get it off?
they seem to be pressed on.
are replacements available?
I'm talking about a 1990 312-8 with a 42” deck.
By Danny856
Hey guys, I'm sure the answer is somewhere on this site but for the life of me I can't find it. I have an '89 Wheel Horse 310-8 (210K806) and my mowing deck is 0542MR04. I need the belt that connects the two. The one that goes from the engine/mule drive (?) down to the deck. It kept poppin off. I thought I finally had it set right but then it came off again and I ran over it. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance. Dan.