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Can't make show need help

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I can't make it to the show, my daughter has a community play she is in this whole weekend so...
I am looking for recoil starters for a Clinton b1290 and a Kohler K90 (hard to find I know) If anyone going to the show comes upon one/two would it be possible to let me know if I can get it from them, I'll pay for shipping (goes with out saying).
Also looking for any attachments that can be found. Ideally mower decks for both. I know no one knows me here since I am new to the site but I am a man of his word.
Sempre fi gents and good weather.

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I too am not able to make the show, so I cant help with that...

BUT if you post a wanted ad here (down in the Classified section) you may have luck with either the guys at the show or even some that are not going. Good luck to you!

Maybe also give a general location so people will know if they are passing nearby.

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