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accolades of Freedom

My first project 653, year???

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accolades of Freedom

I want to restore this beauty to its original glory!  Where do I start?  Can anyone id the year and model?  Also, I am sure that the engine is not the original, so, what kind of engine was originally on it and where can I get my hands on one.  Thanks to all that can help! Pics are attached 




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What you have is a 1963 round hood 653 that would have had a 6 hp Tecumseh engine . (HH60 )
You may be lucky and find a relacement engine on that auction site or you could place a wanted ad here in the classified section.
Or you could put a similar sized Kohler engine say a K141 

She looks like a good  straight tractor  .
you may want to look out for a square seat pan too.

The most important thing that you must do , is have fun restoring her.

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5-electric start
Where are you located?  :scratchead:

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Welcome to the forum! That's a nice candidate for restoration. A Kohler up to 8hp (K181) will fit perfectly. It wouldn't be 'original' but nobody would fault you. If you go with an HH60 or Kohler you'll be able to get the motor mounted where it belongs (further forward) but you may also want to be on the lookout for a belt guard. That one has been shortened but it could be repaired. I'm thinking the PTO isn't going to work like that.

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Looks like good bones to start with.  Your hood with that full closed front is from a 701 though.... When you get around to restoring, consider selling that one to buy the correct slotted one, or offer it up to trade someone for the correct one. The historical observation has been that the slotted front allowed more air flow around the engine and let it run a little cooler, thus making the engine last longer..

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were are you located?

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Nice lookin tractor..

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Nice tractor, I just oiled mine for the patina look, if you need any help identifying or pictures, mines all original and complete, I will be happy to share any way I can.  Gas tank is suppose to be red, but mine was bare when I got it and liked the look so kept it that way!



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accolades of Freedom



-electric start



Where are you located?  :scratchead:

Thanks for the Info!  I am located in Fairview NC, right outside of Asheville NC.

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accolades of Freedom

Looks like good bones to start with.  Your hood with that full closed front is from a 701 though.... When you get around to restoring, consider selling that one to buy the correct slotted one, or offer it up to trade someone for the correct one. The historical observation has been that the slotted front allowed more air flow around the engine and let it run a little cooler, thus making the engine last longer..

You know, I did not even notice that when I bought it.  I have looked pics of the 653 s and well... I guess I was just too excited!!  How hard will it be to find the correct hood?  Thanks for pointing that out. 

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accolades of Freedom

What you have is a 1963 round hood 653 that would have had a 6 hp Tecumseh engine . (HH60 )
You may be lucky and find a relacement engine on that auction site or you could place a wanted ad here in the classified section.
Or you could put a similar sized Kohler engine say a K141 

She looks like a good  straight tractor  .
you may want to look out for a square seat pan too.

The most important thing that you must do , is have fun restoring her.

were are you located?

It will be my first,  very little rust on it.  I think i seen somewhere that a Lauson engine was on these...was there some with Lauson's on them? Fairview NC, close to Asheville.

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accolades of Freedom

Nice lookin tractor..

Welcome to the forum! That's a nice candidate for restoration. A Kohler up to 8hp (K181) will fit perfectly. It wouldn't be 'original' but nobody would fault you. If you go with an HH60 or Kohler you'll be able to get the motor mounted where it belongs (further forward) but you may also want to be on the lookout for a belt guard. That one has been shortened but it could be repaired. I'm thinking the PTO isn't going to work like that.

Wow! All you guys really know what you are talking about. Thanks

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accolades of Freedom

were are you located?

Fairview NC , close to Asheville.

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accolades of Freedom

Nice lookin tractor..

Thank ya!

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accolades of Freedom

Nice tractor, I just oiled mine for the patina look, if you need any help identifying or pictures, mines all original and complete, I will be happy to share any way I can.  Gas tank is suppose to be red, but mine was bare when I got it and liked the look so kept it that way!



I like that too!  Nothing wrong with a little personal touch .  Nice tractor I am sure I will have lots of questions in the near future.

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You certainly came to the right place with any questions. As far as the Lauson motor here's an interesting bit I found:

In January, 1956; Lauson was purchased by Tecumseh and was reorganized as part of the Tecumseh Power Division. Unlike the Hart-Carter purchase in 1941 however, Tecumseh dismantled the Lauson Manufacturing Company corporate infrastructure and replaced it and Lauson Upper Management with new Tecumseh policies, practices, and personnel. By 1958, Tecumseh had retired most of the Lauson Manufacturing Company products and replaced them with their own updated products, though many of these new products were still labeled “Lauson”. The Tecumseh Power Division used the Lauson trademark to transition public awareness from the well known Lauson trademark to the new Tecumseh trademark and gradually the old Lauson name faded away until it became a forgotten memory.

I didn't find just how long the Lauson name stuck around but I believe it was gone prior to 1963. per the master list yours was a Tecumseh H60. Even if the Lauson name was still being used in 63 it was a Tecumseh with Lauson badging.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a hood as well as the side cover. You could post a wanted ad here and also hit up some of the shows. I'd bet there would be some at the big show next weekend. Liveforoutdoors 653 pictures gives you a good shot at what you're looking for and where the motor should be mounted.

Most of all, keep what Neil said in mind "The most important thing that you must do , is have fun restoring her."

OK, that and posting more pictures of your progress. :D

Edited by Racinbob

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Thank you!

The Lauson engine was correct for that tractor, but that is the h60 Tecumseh, same engine.  The other thing to duals note is if you repaint and decal the whole thing, you can convert it to a 753, which has the kohler k141 7hp...the good thing with that is there is no serial number record out there that matches your tractor to a 653, so nobody will know but you and a few of us.  Kohler is a better more reliable engine, I kept mine because it was all original and they are extremely rare to find with the running original engine cause they simply wore out and got replaced like yours.

The hood shouldn't be too hard to find, offer trades on here for that 701 hood, that's a harder to find hood then yours.  Get ahold of Kelly in MI too but hurry, he's liquidating and probably has one, but I don't know about shipping.

either way you have a great tractor, my favorite series anyway!  Like others noted whatever or how ever you do it, have fun with it and make it yours!

i do have a 753 that I want to someday restore, so if you need pics of that engine and wiring setup as well just shout.

Edited by Live4outdoors

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True about the Kohler but Tecumsehs can give you good service. I remember back in 1964 when my Dad was shopping for a tractor to replace his Suburban 400. He wanted recoil start and was looking at a 604 and 704. He opted for the 704 because of the Kohler.

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accolades of Freedom

Thanks to all of you for the the much needed information.  I like the idea of trying to keep it all original, but I also would like an engine that has a rally cool "old kinda engine sound"  any ideas there?  Thanks again for helping out the new guy!! 

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accolades of Freedom

Also, would a vintage engine from a troy built tiller work on my 653?  Thanks guys

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It's possible but we'd need more information on it to be sure. As far as the 'old engine' sound that's determined more by the mufflers when it comes to the motors we are dealing with. If you could find a shower cap muffler that would do the trick. :)

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accolades of Freedom

would this engine work on my 1963 653?




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Can't tell a thing with the tiny photos. Just about any motor can be made to work if you want to put the effort in it. Personally, I would stick with the Tecky H60 or a Kohler K161/181. Also a Kohler K141 but I don't see those often. Certainly not like the 161/181.

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Pic came out as thumbnails too small to see anything.  The troybilt tiller Tecumseh will not work directly.  It had a 1 inch crankshaft but Troybilt turned it down to 3/4" to fit the tiller drive pulley....

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