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C195 with 520 swept forward??? Has it been done???

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As people know I've come across a C195 here and there.  My question is has anybody done this before and did you use the gear reduction?? First person I thought of was the 595HD of Eldon's. Don't really remember for sure, maybe somebody might be able to point in the right direction. Hey Ken B, did you happen to go any further with that thought?? Came across a swept forward with gear reduction. Just so happens I have a volunteer, curious if I was eventually going to mount a snow blower on It I might not want to do this? Don't know alot of different variables

Edited by Brrly1

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You can see in the link ill put at the end that the 595HD that Eldon made has that feature, definitely cool for sure. Seems as if you have to extend the steering shaft to make it work, but would be awesome on a C-195


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Does Eldon still have this bad boy??

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no he does not  and yes you would need to extend the lower steering shaft


Edited by buckrancher

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I've seen it done on a C195 without changing the front axle, just adding the reduction steering.

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Is Eldon still around?

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