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Pollack Pete

Nice tractors.I'm thinking my favorite Wheel Horse tractors are the mid to late seventies.Seems like they'll run forever.

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Time to bust out the wd-40

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Nice tractors, they go forever!

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Time to bust out the wd-40

​The Horses thrive on WD (water displacement) 40. After plowin' snow or a bath, the Stallions need PM (preventative maintenance).

Nice lookin' engineered pair you have. Certainly look well for their age!

Edited by Tankman

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Jake Kuhn

Very nice, love the original look.

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Nice :wh: tag team there...
some models do have a tighter turning radius than others. 
I've got a hydro black hood here that feels like it'll turn on a dime...great worker for a small footprint. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pej4ZEF6g8g Edited by Giddy Up WH

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