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drive belt replacement 400 series

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I can't seem to find a service/repair manual for my workhorse gt1600.

how do you change the drive belt on this tractor. I assume the pto break needs to come off, but how am I supposed to get the belt tension loose enough to slip the belt off the pulley and out of the clutch pulley bracket?

I have a really nice oem belt I'd love to get on there. I feel like an idiot not being able to figure it out myself, but I figure there must be a simple procedure....it's a wheel horse after all.

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found a nice how to video from the good boys on the other side of the pond.

I'm all set. I should have checked youtube first.

if any one is interested here's the link:

Edited by kaiser

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Good to hear.  I can't comment on the video, because my computer won't let me watch it for some reason, I'll check it out later.  Remember, it's only simple once you know the answer. :)

I've been meaning to send you a PM, just wondering how your tipi / autumn olive project is going.

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life and a new baby got in the way of the tipi project. we still want to do it though.

the war against the autumn olives wages on. I have cleared some, contained others and kind of accepted some.
they are a major pain in the buttocks. brutal on chain saw blades! I carved a tunnel through a far section, large enough to get the wheel horse through, working on making it large enough to get
the farmall through.

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I hear what you're saying about the autumn olive, it definitely is a pain to deal with.  I think you're starting to form a reasonable approach to dealing with it, which is about all you can do sometimes.  There's also various herbicides that can work if the planets all align properly, and I hear pulling them out by the roots and burning them also works.  I think sheep and goats can help too if you have enough land for them to graze.

In the meantime, enjoy your new baby and your Wheel Horse, the autumn olive and tipi can wait.


EDIT:  I forgot to ask, did you get your drive belt straightened out?  Did you find manuals for it yet?

Edited by tunahead72

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