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toro switch 110970

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I was checking the wiring throughout the tractor and i came upon Two black wires  on the switch that were plugged in and then  i  blue wire that comes from the solenoid and  went to somewhere on the clutch switch.Can anyone confirm where that wire goes to the switch?the end fell off the switch somewhere.The schematic shows on two wires on the switch?

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What model and year is the tractor?

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What is the model and serial of the tractor?

The 110970 switch looks like a clutch switch for a gear transmission or a neutral switch for a hydro transmission.

The 200-Series and 300-Series both used it.



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its the 1986  417A model  31-17ke02.

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Here's a wiring diagram with color labeling.



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Ok that shows two wires going to the interlock switch and i have three so i am wondering since the two black wires go to the top two ports that the light blue goes on the side of the switch.

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You best follow those 2 black wires and see where they go. Are the blacks connected together? They may be purple - one to the pto switch and the other to the idiot lights.

Only 2 terminals on the switch? purple on one side and the light blue on the other.

In the wiring diagram the purples are wired together at the pto switch.



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the two black wires  were on top of the switch and the light blue wire had a angle tip on it and either went on the bottom or side of the switch  I assume because theres no othwer place for it to go and the other end goes back to solenoid



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