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58 dgrees in Indiana on Jan, 7th

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It's 58 degrees at 9:00 am, they're calling for a high of 65 today. This weather has got me itching to get at some unfinished and unstarted projects.

I wonder how bad we'll have to pay for this later?

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I hear ya, Jim. It was 73 yesterday in St. Louis, about 40 degrees above normal and it broke the old record set back in 1907 of 67. Last week we had two days of single digit temps and now record highs. And some parts of California got up to 11 FEET of snow. Crazy.

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Jim I hear there even calling for thunderstorms today & tommorrow.

Good day toget stuff out of the garage for pictures though :D if the rain holds off.

The freeze & thawing makes the yard a mess too...but it is good for business in the spring.

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I knew it - you just can't have 70 degree weather in January in Missouri without paying for it. Sure enough - a cold front is trying to make it's way east and it's running into the warm, moist air from the gulf. Therefore, spring like storms here. Tornadoes, strong inline winds, torrential downpours, hail. A couple of people killed by a twister near Springfield, numerous houses and farm buildings damaged and/or destroyed. It's still storming here and probably will rest of the morning. Temperatures will dropped off by this evening to the low 40's (it's 63 now). Just across the cold front/warm air line (Kansas City) it's already in the low 40's to high 30's. I'm at work now, but still I wondering what's going on at home - though the radar shows a lure in the system above my house right now. I think I rather have snow or extreme cold we had last week (7 to 8 degrees Wednesday and Thursday last week).

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I used the great weather Mon to get alot done on the V18. I was so happy to get her out and get a bunch accomplished I forgot to bring the camera out of the house. :D

Oh well rain tonight and tomorrow then clear again. Pics first this time :P

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It was nice to open the garage doors here the last few days.

Had to though with the warmer humid weather everything in the shop was sweating.

Looks like january weather is back though ...just let the dogs out...Brrrr

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