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By Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A
Hello all, I recently inherited a Wheel Horse 417-A from my Late Grand-Father. It has been leaking from the Oil Pressure Sensor and I can’t seem to find this particular sensor anywhere If you could give me some leads that would be great! The engine is a KT17 Series II it smokes right under the muffler coming from the sensor i would like to fix it as it has the mowing deck, 2 Tillers, snow plow/dozer, snow blower, and 2 cabs this tractor is very centimental to me and it runs amazing other than this little part!! Also if you could provide any information on this particular model that would be great! Thanks!
By PaulC
What happens if you install a ignition switch for a magneto style ignition on a battery/coil based ignition system?
I just picked up 2 417-a's that neither will turn over with the ignition switch, both have a jumper wire hooked to the bottom post of the solenoid that you need to touch to the positive side of the battery to get the tractor to turn over. Ive only been able to get 1 running and I purchased a new ignition switch for that one hoping to be able to eliminate the jumper wire. After installing the new switch I still have to use the jumper wire. In the run position on the switch everything works and the tractor starts and runs fine with the jumper wire but if I disconnect the jumper wire and use the actual tractor wiring the motor will not turn over when the key is switched to the start position. Ive now just realized the new switch I purchased was part number 103991 for a magneto based system instead of 103990 for the coil ignition.
Given what I just laid out if I buy the correct ignition switch should the engine turn over from the switch? From the searching ive done it seems like the tractor shouldn't run at all with the 103991 switch?
I also have a 87 312-a with a kohler magnum which is the magneto ignition system and that tractor has a push button wired in to essentially do the same thing jump the bottom post of the solenoid to the battery, I bought it this way and its always worked. Im now thinking maybe the switch I just bought for the 417 will fix the issue on the 312.
If I am wrong on all or any of this please correct me and what else besides the ignition switch could be the culprit?