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got another one and have a few questions

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Hi all. Picked up my third c160 automatic today. Not sure how it runs as battery is dead but for the price even if it needs work I am way ahead. I do have a couple if questions though.

It pushed onto the trailer. That worries me. It is possible that the tow valve is open I haven't checked yet. If the hydro is toast where can I get it rebuilt. I'm pretty mechanical but don't have the time to learn this new skill. Also it is missing the rear lift cable that is used for say a clevis hitch. Any ideas on replacing that?


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Ken B

For any and all parts contact Kelly. He is in the vendor section, he is bar none the best resource for parts and is a super guy. You won't know if the hydro is toast until you get the tractor running and the hydro good and warm.

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Like Ken said, you really will not know until you get the tractor running and drive it some. You've got to get the hydro up to operating temps. I think the reason you are able to push the tractor is the hydro has zero pressure on its internals. It has probably sat for a while, correct?

Good luck with it. Looks like this will be a good day for some shop time. We should be getting rain here this afternoon.

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Thanks guys. It had been sitting awhile. I put a battery in and fresh gas and it started. I got on it and it moved forward and backward. Just moved it a few feet. But it did move. Not running very well. Have to keep some choke and it surges. Sprayed some carb cleaner in it but it needs tuning up I think. It has a bad tie rod on the left that was zip tied in place so no driving yet

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OK. So I got new points and condenser and gapped the points at .20. Put a new carb in it and it is still not running as well as it should. No linger surges but still backfires. It is also periodically puffing out smoke could be blue. Haven't opened it up but is it possible that u have a bad valve it that the rings are going bad? It doesn't smoke all the time it sort of cycles. The other night I was running it in the dark and there were dim flames coming out if the exhaust. I haven't adjusted the new carb at all and it seems to run less well at mid and low throttle. Thanks in advance.

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953 nut

​Could be a lot of things. I would start with a new Champion H-10 spark plug followed by adjusting the new carb. and recheck the points because the points also set the ignition timing. Once you have confirmed that the new parts are right on then look elsewhere. You could take the valve spring cover off and watch the valves travel up and down as you turn it over, should be a little valve lash when closed and it should look about the sane for both. Once you have done these things let us know what you find


Good luck.

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Can you explain valve lash

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Awesome. Thanks

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I haven't had a chance to work on this tractor but yesterday I had to move it. U put a couple of gallons of gas in it and made a couple of laps around the yard and parked it under the carport. Went to grab a bite to eat and when I returned I smelled gas. When I looked for it I found gas dripping out of the air cleaner. Its a brand new carb. Is the float bad? Any ideas?

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Trash from the tank or fuel lines probably got into the float needle valve causing the float to stick.

I recommend cleaning out the tank, replacing all fuel lines and installing a new fuel filter in the gas line.

You could possibly remove the float bowl on the carb and spray carb cleaner around the float area to get the trash out.

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Man, I am fighting the same issues with my C 165. Gas dripping out of air cleaner. New lines, new filter, but same old pump. I am thinking that crap loosens up from inside the pump and gums up the carb. Time for a new pump? Or just deal with this until all the crap is gone?

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