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No way this guy's for real.

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OMFG..... I don't know what to say... I guess I can give him an atta-boy for all the effort but WOW. How hasn't he killed / maimed himself or burned the house down several times...



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Thanks Tony, I almost forgot about this guy. He is entertainment gold!

off to check for more videos

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I've only just seen this post and have to say I'm amazed, not so much at this idiot (  that goes without say) more with YouTube  and the viewers of said morons videos. I imagine I speak for quite a few when I say that sometimes as an idol boy I'd get up to some stupid things, possibly encouraged by friends. This prat however can advertise his ignorance to world, jaw dropping to us maybe, but to a bored kid who would view this muppet as an adult it would be the same as encouraging them to jump  out a sixth floor window and tell them if they flapped their arms fast enough they'd be fine. 

I know we are lucky to live in a free society with free speech and all, but when some youngster get his face blown off, it's too late. 

Sorry..... I don't know what came over me, it is the Internet after all. Please excuse me now I have some flagging to do. 



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There is a show on MTV called Ridiculousess which shows YouTube videos of idiots like this . To bad they don't take submission ! I'm sure he'll make on there someday . For you that have not seen this show watch it , some make you laugh , others wounded how they lived , but most are dumb kids doing stupid things . 

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i watched one of his videos and i thought he was really smart for the first 3 minutes then i reliazed he makes stuff sound fancy when it really isn't.

then his classic work gear how does he still have toes? i read the comments once and i was sold:) how to orginize 18650 cells for your battery pack:D 

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So it took him 1-1/2 hours to move that gravel pile? A shovel and wheelbarrow could have beat that. My bobcat would have done it in maybe two minutes...

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