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David Upton

Brake Shaft Seal

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David Upton

Appears as though I have a small leak on the shaft seal (brake) on a 1976 C-160 Unidrive 8 speed. Is this adjustable or do I need to replace? I'm talking small but annoying. Suggestions on replacement and availability would be appreciated. Thanks everyone in advance.

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Repair by replacement.  Toro #100441   SKF 7410

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The brake shaft seal is easily replaced without a lot of disassembly. Jack up the rear, take off the left rear wheel, remove the brake band, and remove the brake drum. The seal is rather small, but can be removed with simple tools. First clean the area to be able to see the seal. I take a small 1/8" screwdriver with the blade bent at a 90 degree angle, or a dental pick/hook and insert it between the shaft and the seal. You will be depressing the rubber part of the seal. You don't want to go in too far or you will hit the bearing. You want to hook your tool on the metal or plastic outer portion of the seal. Pull toward you. You may have to move around the shaft until you have pulled the seal completely loose, then slide it off the shaft. 


Clean the area where the seal was removed. Make sure that there are no rough edges on the shaft. Put some lubricant on the shaft and the seal. I use oil or grease. Then slide the new seal into place, making sure that the open side of the seal is in toward the bearing. Once it is against the opening, I use a piece of plastic pipe that just fits over the shaft to push the seal into place. If you don't have that, just carefully tap the seal into place evenly until it is flush with the face of the transmission. Don't use anything sharp that will damage the seal.


That should do it.

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David Upton

Thanks so much for product info and procedure.

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