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By LengerichKA88
We have a Charger 10 that I’ve had on here and gotten help with, but I’d never really looked at the ID Tag.
Today while looking around it I took note of the model number, so as to help with narrowing down parts in the future. The model number listed on the tag is 1-7931.
After a google search, “1-7931” returns as a Charger 9. Would this be a case of using left over tags, or possibly an error? The tractor has an HH100, and is badged as a Charger 10, but from the Charger 9 manual I found, I couldn’t find an engine model number listed, just “9hp”.
Picture of the tag is included.
By LengerichKA88
I liked, but didn’t find an applicable thread, so I made a new post.
We got a 69 Charger 10 last Friday. The brakes don’t really stop it, kinda slows it to an idle speed. Still too fast for the brakes to be engaged. FIL did some reading and it’s apparently the gears that stop the tractor, so now we’re looking at servicing and possible actually doing work on the trans. That’s fine, not a problem, figured we’d get into this eventually, so with the one known issue at hand, how would/have you gone about tackling this trans?
Trying to get voices of experience that might be able to save us a headache or two lol. TIA!
By Builderchris
I need some help. I just purchased 3 garden tractors, plus implements, from a guy on Craigslist and I'm having difficulty identifying one of them. It looks to me like it's a C100, but honestly for all I know it could be a Raider10 or a charger10 just as easily. I'm really not sure. The tag under the dashboard reads, Model T10, Serial # 329650. When I googled Wheel Horse T10 I got nothing. Can one of you great Wheel Horse guru's help me out?
By Deadguy
So, today two more horses followed me home. These critters sure are friendly! Somebody should have warned me that they breed like rabbits! Anyways, the first is a B80 with the 8 speed and a 16hp Kohler. The metal is straight and it runs strong. It does need a governor adjustment and the voltage rectifier needs to be hooked up. The tires look ok, but they are very hard and are starting to crack. The second is a Charger 10 with hydro trans, an 8hp Kohler that smokes a little, and duallies. This tractor needs a new voltage rectifier, one new rear tire, and an engine rebuild or new engine. These tractors came as a package deal with a bunch of parts, including a couple mule drives, a 30-some inch universal snow plow, and a 38" triple blade rear discharge deck. $400 took it all home. How do you think I did?
By Rhondalea
We are needing some advice! We have a model 104107 and do not know the year. From what I have found, it's early 70's, I think. We've been doing a lot of work on it (decals, paint, new battery-starter-fuel pump-3pc set of blades). The muffler is almost new. It's a beauty! We also have 2 look-like-new attachments: snow plow and grader. Ok....so that is what we have.....and it's all set to go to someone who will appreciate the power and the awesomeness of this machine. We want to get this listed (Locally? Across the States? Ideas?) and sold before the snow flies here in Iowa. So I'm asking for knowledge on what year this is, what y feel the complete package should sell for, and suggestions on placing an ad. I have more photos, if needed. Thanks much!!!