Steering Shaft (lower) Question - B-80
chesbaycruiser, in Wheel Horse Tractors
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One of the most detailed I've seen.
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Where's your go-to source for QUALITY 103119 bearing shaft assemblies? Also, I don't have my deck apart yet, but seem to remember they're tough to remove from the housings. Any tips or tricks? Finally, just recently I've had a couple of the center bearings go loose on two different decks. Once is one thing, but twice? More than a coincidence? Should I be releasing tension on the belt by loosening the mule drive when not in use? We've had WH tractors for over 40+ years and I've never done that before! THANKS in advance!
On my D200, when I turn the steering wheel all the way to the left, it has a tight turn radius, but when I turn it all the way to the right, the turn radius is significantly wider.
The tie rods appear to be adjusted evenly.
Anyone have a similar problem and what was done to fix it? The steering does have quite a bit of play, at least 1/4 to 1/2 turn of the wheel.
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Help I just recently porched a D250 to add to my collection and wish to install power steering Hydraulic. I under stand I might be able to find help on this WH forum. Thank you The wheel hoarse guy