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Question about removing snow blower from 314-8

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I have a 314-8 with a 79360 snow thrower on it and I just picked up a 79253 48" plow. I was hoping to swap back and forth between the two as the snow conditions required. I currently want to switch from the blower to the plow but I've reached a snag. I've gotten to the point in the detachment procedure where I remove the pin clip holding the thrower's lift tube flag to the tractor's attachment lift control arm. I don't have a tractor lift and I'm laying on the floor in my unheated garage and when I lookup to see the pin and clip, I can barely see it at all. I can barely get a plier to it let alone, clamped on to it to pull the clip. Am I missing something? Is there a better way to reach this pin to remove the clip? I'm concerned that if I somehow get lucky and pull the clip off, I'll never be able to line up the lift tube flag and the control arm to get the pin back in the hole and the clip back on when I want to reattach the blower. Sorry about the lousy picture but it's very tight under the tractor and I was fumbling with a flash light and a smartphone with next to no clearance and the only way to see the pin clip was to take a photo almost straight up. The thing I circled in the overexposed area is the pin clip in question. 


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the different models over the years had some pretty tight reaches!  My B-80 is wide open (must be the mighty mouse 8 hp Kohler)  all the later models are real tight. you might take off the panel that has the amp meter etc.





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You can remove the dash panel that your gauges are in and get more access. It is just a couple of big screws. Remove your battery ground cable before you do this. The ignition has current and grounding the wrong wire will blow fuses. I have done it.

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can whlvr

that's why we collect more than one machine,IT CAN BE TIME CONSUMING SWITCHING IMPLEMENTS

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Forest Road

It's a pain in the A**!!! No better way to put it. One thing you can do is buy spare clips. Bend the clip 30 degrees so you have a chance of grabbing it. That bend makes it much easier to install and remove with a quality set of needle nose pliers.

On a side note I have a 16x24 insulated garage. Purchased a 4000w forced air heater. Even on the sub zero days last week no problem maintaining 50 inside. Think it was about $150.

Edited by Forest Road
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that's why we collect more than one machine,IT CAN BE TIME CONSUMING SWITCHING IMPLEMENTS

X2 --- especially for the winter time implements!

Put the snow blade on another machine

put the deck on yet another machine

so on and so on


You can probably just leave the flag on there since the blade lift is connected to a different arm and use a bungee cord to hold it up. That way you can switch back quicker too

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Thanks everyone! I wish getting more than one tractor was an option but it's not so I'm just going to have to get that pin clip pulled and the plow mounted.

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I really encourage you to try pulling that panel off -- I think that is what the engineers who designed these tractors intended -- It is a lot easier than the contortions need to reach around and up to that arm -- I figured this out after I went thru something similar to what you are up against -- And I was only trying to get to a hole on the other part of the arm used for the snow blade 

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can whlvr

I too use the panel for acess,but on my 1990 312-h its a real pain as the hydrolic valve is installed in there too and its tight to get at the lift arm

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For a few years until I had a 2nd tractor to mount the blade on one and blower on the other, I switched back n forth depending on storm. Laying on unheated garage floor.  After a couple times I got wiser and to tell the truth I didn't remove the flag.  I attached a medium width rubber band around a cross bar and looped the round bar on the flag, holding it up enough to clear the plow frame attachment.  Didn't have to remove it if held up somewhat. If need the blower I unlooped it from flag and left band on cross bar and it never came off.   Plow connects to rear axle not where near the flag.  Lifting plow connects to the hole in front of the chain for the mower long Tee bar #27, Blower pin goes in top hole of #19 in diagram above and plow goes in front hole of #27 in diagram.  Not really near each other if flag held up by rubber band.


A medium to thick rubber band about 2 inches across center stretched will hold the flag rod up so not to interfere with plow frame chain or bar.  I have about a 6 inch or so, not positive on length, multi-hole 1/4" x 1" bar between plow lift cross bar and that hole in #27 with a pin and cotter pin. I have even left the flag on the tractor all summer with mower deck on it and just had to replace the rubber band once when it got sort of dry rotted and stretched.  Easier than trying to reach the pin to remove the cotter pin and remove flag every other storm.  Trunion #19 hole is length of chain and eye bolt above  #22 and flag attaches to #19 so plenty of clearance as long as it is suspended.  thought about wiring the flag rod up but hey, if a simple strong rubber band works, fine with me as it is a quick fix.


Good that Varosd posted the diagram above.  You can see they really won't interfere if the flag is above the lower snow/grader blade hole.  I forget what cross bar to loop band around but crawl under and it will be obvious. Rubber band allows it to lift and stretch the tension on the band then go back down with no issues.  Easier than trying to remove that cotter pin up so high each time.


Good luck



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By he way, when putting the blower back on crawl under and put the flag on first, then roll the tractor forward until the lift tube reaches the flag rod and align both then roll the tractor forward until the front mount is able to be lifted and inserted and clamped in by the rotating connector.  no need to have flag in the tube then try to bring both up to align pin in Trunion.  that is what is sounded like when I read your first entry again.  Flag goes on first then worry about lifting tube to slide onto flag bar.


Sorry if I misinterpreted but better said than stuggling.

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That's one reason I like  the older machines. More room to get that pin in. I had a c-145 and left the flag on. Still a bit of a pain getting the bar lined up with the flag and then getting the front mount to snap in. Mounting the blower on my 76 or 73,   2 min job.

Edited by squonk
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So I embarrassingly have to admit that I was wrong about the flag. I took the advice of several of you here and removed the instrument panel (after disconnecting the battery ground to prevent blowing any fuses) and was able to reach the pin clip with a pair of extra long needle nose pliers and pulled it off. When I pulled the snowblower out from under the tractor, I heard a metal clang and as the lift tube cleared the front of the tractor, I noticed the flag was not attached but rather sitting on the garage floor underneath the tractor. Doh! What a bummer - I could have left the flag in place all along.  :no: 

I had no idea the flag was removable from the lift tube and from underneath the tractor with a flashlight, it look like it was welded onto the lift tube. Probably should have looked at the manuals and parts lists more. This is my first Wheel Horse so I guess I can chalk it up to the learning curve.


I finally did get the plow mounted and just in time for some nuisance snow/slush. Thanks to everyone with the good advice! 

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Well, you learn something new every day here.  I also have a 314 with a blower attached and although I have no desire to switch back and forth, getting that hitch pin installed to hold the lift flag is not easy.  Fortunately, my hands are small and I have been able to do it several times.  I never thought of removing the lower access panel, although that may not be as trivial as one thinks if you have an ammeter and hour meter there-stuffing the wires back in without pinching requires care.  My biggest take away from this thread to to leave the lift flag attached.  I need to think on this more, but it would be nice to leave it there, secured out of the way when the mower deck is on. 


Yet another good tip from RS members.

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Another point about the flag insertion into the tube.  If the blower doesn't lift very high they call for thick washers slipped onto the flag rod, then insert flag into lift tube.   In effect it extends the length of the lift tube to allow more forward movement swinging the blower up a bit higher off driveway. Don't go so high the lift tube hits the underside of the front axle.  Add or subtract washers via trial and error.


I don't have a problem rolling tractor straddling the lift rod then when close hold up the flag rod to align into the hole on lift rod.  A little WD-40 helps it slide in as you move tractor forward then lift blower crossbar up into the front mount.  The lift bar will stay on the flag rod fine.


Good luck


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i guess i'm odd man out, i've never figured it was that hard to get the pin in and out of the flag i think i use a pair of needle nose pliers but never thought of it being that hard to do. i thought it harder to hit the hole in the lift tube with the flag mounted, but like i said i guess i'm odd man out on this  :laughing-rofl:






eric j

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I never did either Eric. I was wondering what the issue was until Mike posted that the newer models don't have the room that a 76 has. I had my blower on a 76. I've never even tried on a later model but now I'm compelled to take a look. Snowblowers aren't too handy down here so I don't have one anymore but at least I can look. :)

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The sheet metal change in the hood stand area makes it more difficult. When I went to install the flag on the C 145. I couldn't believe the difference. I also picked up a 314 last summer. The lift eye bolt was all bent up. It was a PITA getting that upper hitch pin out. On my 73 or 76 I reach in on the right side by the PTO lever and get my fingers right on it.

Edited by squonk
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You can take the panel off below the battery and in front of the steering as well, or modify it so you have access and it still holds the drive belt panel.

I leave the flag on too sometimes and tie it up.


For the plow I wire both cotter pins together, it saves the lower one if it comes off for some reason, and I can just pull the wire to get the upper pin out.

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yes crawling under is a pain, extra long skinny needlenose makes it quite easy   but as said previously - its actually harder to hit the little hole.


I will attempt to take off the cover as suggested to see if that makes a difference and might even try a zip tie to hold the flag up.


In any case you have a few options to skin the old cat.


Good luck



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dumb question is everybody putting the lift down when trying to pin the flag. it makes it a lot easier when this is done








eric j

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Wow, I am glad I have a D series.  10 minutes tops to remove the blower and less to put on the front blade.  Gotta love easy hook ups.  Good luck  Al

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That's why my blower goes on the C-160 auto and the blade on the C-175 eight. Although my sons C-175 auto is starting to look more and more like a good candidate for a snow plow tractor, sore shoulders from working the manual lift makes the autos an attractive alternative. :-)

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Lifting and attachment arm rotates the Trunion and flag forward and back a bit so don't tie the flag tight in any position if leave the flag on.  My heavy duty rubberband lets it move forward and back with no issue. I have done this for several years and come summer replace the rubberband when putting the deck on.  Then no issue with flag left in place.


This is a real benefit if you are someone that must switch back n forth from blower to plow as I did for 2 years, lay8ing on cold garage floor with dripping slush while trying to insert the pin into the trunion and getting the small cotter pin in. 

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Thanks for the info .. forsight is better than that from the rear.


Appreciated Wyatt

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