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Look and Learn from my DUMB STOOPID MISTAKE

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Okay... so several months back I traded Sparky for a C100 8 Speed. It Ran and Drove but had a hub which had slipped in almost to the trans case... it was tight but just was one of those things that annoyed me everytime I saw it. Today I decide to TRY and FIX IT, this was after already asking Sparky if he had tried (Answer was yes....), and after noticing a piece of the hub broken off... so somebody else had tried too.


But did I leave it alone----NOPE, CAPTAIN DUMAZZ grabs his tools and torch and is gonna teach this hub a lesson on whose boss. I setup my slide hammer---FOR ALL YOU OUT THERE DON'T USE A SLIDE HAMMER USE A PULLER... THIS WAS MY FATAL MISTAKE.


I start heating the hub cherry red and start whacking away... hub moves and I get excited... keep heating and banging away. Then...... and the picture tells the rest.


I'm an idiot and am posting this as a public service announcement... now instead of running the tractor with the hub slid in I get to roll it in the corner till I can either swap the trans or pull it apart.


YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'm So Smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :no:





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Humm...no blood on the ax, so that's good.   :eusa-think: 

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Ax was used as a "hammer" to drive the hitch pin out... guess I don't need to worry about it... :banghead:

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Tony, you are looking at this thing all wrong.  It is a blessing in disguise.  Now you can attack that axle and hub directly...the easy way.  Sure, you have to split the trans to put the "C" clip back on the axle, but you can clean out the trans and change the seals and know what you have inside.  :)  Piece of cake and a silver lining in that cloud.

Edited by stevasaurus
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I sure could use that snowblower lift flag by the axe!

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RU feeling better yet Tony?  

We're good little helpers.   :)

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That's not to bad. Try that on a cheapie lawn tractor and you have to take the trans apart and deal with a trans packed full of that nasty bennonite grease!

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And that's why I left the hub where it was, with nice tight setscrews.


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Isn't there a football game on? :hide:

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I bet there is now.   :)

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In a few more minutes there will be a RACE on also :happy-jumpeveryone:  :auto-crash:  :auto-nascar:  :auto-layrubber:

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Tony, you are looking at this thing all wrong. It is a blessing in disguise. Now you can attack that axle and hub directly...the easy way. Sure, you have to split the trans to put the "C" clip back on the axle, but you can clean out the trans and change the seals and know what you have inside. :) Piece of cake and a silver lining in that cloud.

I'm with Steve, just go for it and split the trans. It's a good opportunity to fix/replace any worn bits...

You may well find the axle is chewed and needs swapping anyway.

Also there's some funky guides to tranny rebuild on here :D Steve knows all about them :lol:

Edited by meadowfield
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I think I may start fabricating and selling my super heavy duty wheel horse hub puller!  Just to protect those of you who cannot resist using a slide hammer :-)

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Tony, now that you've got it this far, set the hub where it needs to be with a hydraulic press. Then just slide the axle back in. All fixed....except ALWAYS remember you can only make right hand turns!

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And that's why I left the hub where it was, with nice tight setscrews.


It didn't need the set screws... I proved that.... :roll:



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CAPTAIN DUMAZZ  :laughing-rolling:   :laughing-rolling:    That's so funny.   :laughing-rolling:   :laughing-rolling:

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Back in HVAC school I was called DR. Dumas which meant Duma$$  :)

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I think I may start fabricating and selling my super heavy duty wheel horse hub puller!  Just to protect those of you who cannot resist using a slide hammer :smile:

I will pre-order and Pre-pay for 2 of them....


Honestly.... if you build them I will buy one and I'm sure others will too.



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That would take all the fun out of it Doc!  I really almost laughed till I cried on the Captain Dumbazz thing but it's because I can relate!   :laughing-rolling:


This one is even faster, no bolts to mess with!   :laughing-rolling:


Edited by Geno

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I will pre-order and Pre-pay for 2 of them....


Honestly.... if you build them I will buy one and I'm sure others will too.



Ditto...I want one too.


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Ditto...I want one too.


I'd buy one too. I've done the same thing and now have three trans in the shop that collect dust cause the hubs are stuck and i don't wanna break em 

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DOC in Kentucky

Yes even doctors make mistakes. That is why our fees are so high. We need to carry extra insurance called " Medical malpractice". Check to see if you policy has a "dumazz" rider, if not get it added.

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If we are all honest, that handle fits the whole bunch of us !!!

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:text-yeahthat: Some more than others.   :greetings-wavingyellow:  

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That word is used in my shop real often.Trouble is I am the only one there.


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