Rollerman 290 #1 Posted December 29, 2007 Recently Terry in in MO had asked about what snow plows fit what. I took some pics & some measurements & hopefully help those who don't know along. Also sorry about the bad pic quality & the rusty plow frames. In this first pic you see the 3 common sizes of snow plow frames. (1) on the left being a "short frame" (2) in the center being an early "long/large frame" (3) on the right is a current style "long frame" Plow (1) measures 56" from the mounting pin to the pivot bolt at the top. Plow(2) is 61" from the mounting pin to the pivot bolt. And plow (3) is 64" from the mounting pin to the pivot bolt. Since all these plows use the same angle for the blade they all measure the same from the pivot bolt forward. Now if the long frame (3) looks is ...It's actually a copy made by New Vac MFG. but has the same dimensions as the Wheel Horse brand plows minus the angle lever on the side. Also the newer style "long frame" snow plows have 2 holes at the end of the frame allowing you to move the mounting pin in order to fit a long or short frame tractor. Plow frames (1) & (2) use an older style mount that bolts up on the forward facing side of the uni drive transaxle. The mounting pin area on (1) & (2) measure 15" across & the mount grabs it from the out side of the frame. This same type of mount will work on the newer long frames to if the mounting pin is long enough. Plow frame (3) uses a newer mount that measure's 11 1/2" across. It hangs off the bottom of the uni drive transaxle & grabs the plow frame mounting pin from the inside of the frame. The newer style rear axle mount also will not work well with plow frames (1) & (2) The one at the front of the picture would be the newer style. The one at the back of picture is the old style mount & is used on short, long & large frame tractors The "large frames" are the 953,1054,1054A, A GT14. The C195, D series & the 520 with the forward swept axle do not fit in the above descriptions. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zieg72 209 #2 Posted December 29, 2007 Thanks, Stephen, for the education and the great info. I'd appreciate it a lot. I will post pics of a 520 set up when I get it home tomorrow. I am supposed to get everything is takes to mount up to my tractor. They are supposed to take the same blade setup as the 300-400 series but have a "completing kit" to move it forward to clear the front tires and it moves the lever back so you can reach it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #3 Posted December 29, 2007 Correct "Zieg"...the 520's with the forward swept axle have an extender kit that mounts on back of a newer style "(3) from my post" long frame plow frame. By all means yes add some pics, I have never seen one. On a side note when I had my 520H it came with an early "(2) from my post" long frame type snow plow. It did fit & function with a 42" wide snow plow....but think a 48" or wider would have interfeared with the tires angled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TT-(Moderator) 1,147 #4 Posted December 30, 2007 Here's a 1990 520 dozer blade (06-48BC02) with rear extension, lift link relocation bracket, and curved (offset) angle lever: A Wheel Horse "standard issue" (6-2131) 1974 42" dozer blade: A New Vac manual angle 42" blade: And an original (BD-4271) 1961 42" foot release/remote angle lever with the X braced A frame dozer blade with a (6-2111) 1968 42" "short frame" dozer blade behind it. The 6-2111 blade: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #5 Posted December 30, 2007 Thanks for the added & not as rusty pics. I didn't have a standard late style long frame plow not mounted on a I just grabed that New Vac since it measures out the same. I like the old foot operated to find one to display with one of the old round hoods here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nick 13 #6 Posted December 30, 2007 On the off chance anyone comes across a newer xi blade here are a few pics of one mounted. Has a tube mounted handle for the trip cable to run in and an plate with a hole near the left front of the frame for a rod that comes down from the front hitch. Guess they thought the long frame needs a pin to help keep the blade straight. Also changed the rear hitch, it has mounts on the front and back of it(poor picture of that). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kpinnc 13,407 #7 Posted December 30, 2007 Wow, I never knew there were so many different frames. I knew of the #1 and #3 in Stephen's post (got one of each), and the one in Terry's post for the 520. I thought that was it! Learn something new every day I guess... Stephen, thanks for the pictorial. Very thorough info from you, as always. Awesome stuff there. Tricycle Terry, same goes for you. Great pics! Both of you have your shops too organized though- gotta fix that! Nick- very nice xi model. Of all the newer tractors out there, those are the coolest. Kevin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zieg72 209 #8 Posted December 31, 2007 Correct "Zieg"...the 520's with the forward swept axle have an extender kit that mounts on back of a newer style "(3) from my post" long frame plow frame. By all means yes add some pics, I have never seen one. On a side note when I had my 520H it came with an early "(2) from my post" long frame type snow plow. It did fit & function with a 42" wide snow plow....but think a 48" or wider would have interfeared with the tires angled. Bummed out, went 70 miles one way to find one without the kit for the 520. Did the early 520's have the axle like the 300-400 series?? They gentleman said his 520 did not have the forward swept axle... and the long-frame plow worked fine. Do you know how far forward the kit moves the plow? It would appear that the plow could be extended between the lift point and the start to the angle? If anyone has the distance measurement that would be greatly appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon-(Admin) 7,406 #9 Posted December 31, 2007 I think that the swept front axle started in 91. Before that they had the standard 300/400 series front axle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kpinnc 13,407 #10 Posted December 31, 2007 Zieg, I think fabbing up an adapter for the 520 would be pretty easy. Terry's pic above is an excellent shot of the whole setup. You could make the bends in the control arm on a good vise, and replace the plunge rod with a cable. If the plow was for a long frame tractor with both mount holes in the back, you're good to go. I read in another forum that they will work even without the kit, you just have to be careful because the front wheels will rub the plow if you put it in a bind. Don't know for sure one way or the other... Kevin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zieg72 209 #11 Posted December 31, 2007 Zieg, I think fabbing up an adapter for the 520 would be pretty easy. Terry's pic above is an excellent shot of the whole setup. You could make the bends in the control arm on a good vise, and replace the plunge rod with a cable. If the plow was for a long frame tractor with both mount holes in the back, you're good to go. I read in another forum that they will work even without the kit, you just have to be careful because the front wheels will rub the plow if you put it in a bind. Don't know for sure one way or the other... Kevin This is what I was thinking, that way just the handle would have to be modified so you could reach it. What do you think? Attached Image (Click thumbnail to expand) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TT-(Moderator) 1,147 #12 Posted December 31, 2007 I think that the swept front axle started in 91. Before that they had the standard 300/400 series front axle. My 1990 520 8 speed had the swept forward axle, but didn't have the reduction steering. It's true -- If you angle the blade to the "second notch" (full angle) it WILL hit the front tires when they are turned. (Don't forget - a 520 is supposed to have 16-7.50X8 front tires too) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #13 Posted January 4, 2008 Wanted to add 2 pics of an early Lawn Ranger snow plow. This fit all the Rangers with "horizontal" shaft engines only. Notice no trip "springs" feature for the blade, also a lift the pin to angle setup. It mounted up with a "mid tach a matic" bracket...not something used on a Lawn Ranger for anything other than the snow plow...the deck mounts on them bolt right to the frame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg B. 1 #14 Posted January 4, 2008 "mornin', guys, I have heard the terms plow, snow plow and dozer blade. Now, I know that "plow" can be two different implements, but are the other two the same thing? Thanks, Greg B. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #15 Posted January 4, 2008 Greg yes...the snowplow/dozer blade is one in the same. But I try to avoid calling one just a plow since then it can get even more confuseing with a garden plow or turn plow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,539 #16 Posted January 5, 2008 On some sites, if you call a snow blade a plow, you will get ridicule, blasted or both. And I also noticed some brand loyalties called them plow, or blade. And in some regions it's different. With the JD crowd, a snow plow is a blade and if you used the term plow it's to be considered NOT a snow blade or snow plow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #17 Posted January 5, 2008 Been times I have called on a classified add for say a "Wheel Horse plow" & you call up to see what they "seller" are calling a plow. Thats no big deal...but it's really sad when you get around the expert crowd at some shows or swaps & get corrected when you call something a plow or snow plow...rather than snow blade ...etc,etc. This is a hobby to me & supposed to be fun. As Greg said sometimes a newbie can be confused by the semantics or nomenclature...thats understandable...but sure can be a dull day when an expert is hung up on them Sorry guys...didn't mean to go on a rant. Just recalling a discussion with an expert at Portland last year. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,539 #18 Posted January 5, 2008 Stephen, I agree, this is a hobby and should be fun. I've learned, or trying to learn, to which site I'm on and try to use the right term. When I first got into Wheel Horses a few months ago, it threw me a bit when I saw the word "plow". But now I know, or usually know, what "plow" means here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,539 #19 Posted January 5, 2008 I was looking at my friend's Commando 8 today and it looks like his plow has an extension welded to the back of the frame and it's bolted on the axle bracket. Sort of a kluge, but it works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg B. 1 #20 Posted January 5, 2008 Stephen, Please pardon my ignorance. In your excellent description of the three frames, above, which one would be appropriate for a C-165? I'm not sure where my tractor falls, in the new/old, large/small frame categories. All I know is that it is a long frame. Thanks, Greg B. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon-(Admin) 7,406 #21 Posted January 5, 2008 Yours falls under the new long frame tractor which is this one: This is the more common plow and will fit the C-Series, 300 and 400 series tractors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #22 Posted January 5, 2008 Karl thanks for the fast answer for Greg! And Greg...ignorance is bliss ...well thats what I tell the Dr Don't be afraid to ask questions though, it's how I learned all of this. As a general rule all tactors with 10HP or bigger engines built after 1965 will be long frames. 1965 was the only year Wheel Horse put a 10HP in a short the 1045,1055,& 1075 & the engine had a differant oil pan that sat much lower to make it fit under the short frames hood. So anything from 1965 back is a short frame. The 1966 model year 1046,1056,1076,1256 & 1276 were the first long frames I'm not sure what the cutoff date is for the 8hp & smaller tractors that continued useing the short frames....will have to do some reading to find out. With the added power of the ("big blocks" 10 HP or bigger) They went to the long frames to get additional underhood space, better use of the power ( no weelies) & use bigger ,heavier implements...there is probably a better reason but I don't have that book out to give the word for word description. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,539 #23 Posted January 5, 2008 So, Stephen, will my friend's Commando 8 be considered a long frame? As I mentioned in an earlier post, the plow on it has an extension welded to the rear of the frame to get it back to the rear axle. Must be a plow for short framed tractor and was modified to fit his Commando 8. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #24 Posted January 5, 2008 Well I'm confused on that one Terry? I'm thinking the Commando's are short frame? They made a Commando 6 & 8...& I think an odd ball model 800 too that would have the 10" rear rims Terry could you get a pic of your buddies tractor & plow? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,539 #25 Posted January 5, 2008 Stephen, I had an earlier thread showing my friend's tractor, but instead of trying to find it I will just add the pictures here: I think he changed out the fender deck and transmission, but the frame is untouched. I will try and get over to his place and take closer views of the plow setup and rear axle mounting and the welded extension. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites