Serial: 41076273
So, my FIL picked up a pretty good looking snapper for 30 bucks.... guy said it needed carb work. Turned out it needed a new recoil start too, no big deal. Well the carbs on, got the pull start on. Got a few (3, maybe 4) starts out of it.
Starting with the second start, the shroud (which the recoil housing screws to) started pulling loose. This would mean that I had to loosen, replace, then tighten it each time. This is because the bolts that keep the shroud in place do so by having a washer type head on the bolt hold down little plastic tabs. Apparently these tabs wear down over time, who’d have thunk that metal running plastic would wear it down? 🤯
Go to start it today’s making sure everything’s nice and tight. Shroud pulls loose with a metallic clang.One of the hole for the mount (that’s what I’m calling it) broke. This is part of the block, and the only way to secure the shroud. There are two on each side of the engine. As o go to pull the shroud off, I see the pawls for the recoil start fall. My recoil start that got here Tuesday, has broken. 🤬
I take usable pieces off the old one (only problem was the spring) and replace. As I’m securing the shroud, again, the other mount on the same side breaks. They were part of the aluminum block.
Why you would have the recoil starts only point of contact with the machine be a piece of plastic, is beyond me. Why you would design the shroud to attach in such a poor way, is beyond me.
How to fix this and make it usable, without buying a new engine, is also beyond me.
Has anyone had this happen, and how did you fix it if you did?