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My first Wheel Horse ( C-100 )

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Lookin' good there! Love the "work clothes". :)

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Ed Kennell

:text-thankyouyellow: Looks like she can't wait to get to work.  Good job.  :text-coolphotos:     :text-thankyouyellow:

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I think she really looks good as is.  The tin looks straight and even the decals are good.  The first thing I would do is paint the wheels.  Then rub some of the rust off the tin with green scotch-brite to uncover the red paint.  Then rub her down with oil and put her to work.

Keep your eyes open for the seat and back cushions.


Well ekennell, As you can see in the latest pictures I tried some intense scrubbing and rubbing on the hood and the one fender. And that is about as good as Im going to get it. Is that about what you were expecting?  Or should it get better? 




Edited by Thanatos
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I better add this one too. Google decide they were going to "auto awesome" this one and it looks pretty neat. 





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Looks good personally I like it unrestored my first was a 74 c100 too, for a 10 hp it's a strong tractor I mow snowplow and garden plow with it. Enjoy , it's addicting


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Ed Kennell

She looks good to me. Really brought out her character . :handgestures-thumbupright:

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:text-yeahthat:   Keep on scrubbin'     :text-+1:

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Thantos in a couple of your pics I'm noticing a bunge srtap down by  the plow frame,    what is its purpose??


And I see you are looking at another c-100 already...   You have the bug.

Edited by jackhammer
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Thantos in a couple of your pics I'm noticing a bunge srtap down by  the plow frame,    what is its purpose??


And I see you are looking at another c-100 already...   You have the bug.

Haha....  Yes I am.. If I can find another one at a decent price she will be added. I figure you need at least 2 to have a stable.  :)


Oh and the bungee..  Well thats a bit of testing, because you see I am a pretty small guy that works in an office all day so I'm not the strongest either. So that bungee is going to be a bit of a plow lifting assist. I am a firm believer of "Work smarter not Harder". But I beleive Im going to look for the perfect spring to assist in lifting the plow. If you are going to the show on October 4th, you will see what I mean by small. (I'm about 145 pounds soaking wet) LOL :scratchead:

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Looks good personally I like it unrestored my first was a 74 c100 too, for a 10 hp it's a strong tractor I mow snowplow and garden plow with it. Enjoy , it's addicting


That C-100 looks amazing! If (well not if, when) I do end up getting another one I will probably do a full restore to make it look like yours! 

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And I see you are looking at another c-100 already...   You have the bug.


He better see a doctor and quick!   :scared-eek:

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Ed Kennell

:text-+1:  :text-yeahthat:     I'm afraid it's toooo late Geno.    He's talkin two, and you know all to well what happens when two horses get together.


You may want to think Hydro and hydro lift on the next one AJ.     You really don't want to add lift assist springs to the plow.  You need the  weight to keep the plow down.

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:text-+1:  :text-yeahthat:     I'm afraid it's toooo late Geno.    He's talkin two, and you know all to well what happens when two horses get together.


You may want to think Hydro and hydro lift on the next one AJ.     You really don't want to add lift assist springs to the plow.  You need the  weight to keep the plow down.


Yeah I know...  :eusa-think:  I thought about that too.. I guess I have two options. 


1. Get a Hydro 

2. Put some meat on my bones


or possibly 


3. I was thinking about mounting a small winch on the front and weld a bracket to the front of the plow and attach it there to raise and lower the plow :techie-eureka:  :confusion-scratchheadblue:  Has anyone done this??  Im a bit worried about the linkage though. 

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Ed Kennell

Well, If you use the manual lift a lot, It will put "meat on your bones" , unfortunately  your left arm will be 3X bigger than the right.  :ROTF:

There are many threads on here ref. winch lift arrangements.   I have a WH plow on my Yamaha 4 wheeler with a winch lift.

It works very well. I even built in a yoke that automatically pulls the blade  angle locking pin when the blade is raised fully.

 The key is to put big springs ( I use 2 -6" made from garage door springs) between the winch hook and the plow so the winch over run doesn't break something.  Don't ask me how I know.

Edited by ekennell
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Well, If you use the manual lift a lot, It will put "meat on your bones" , unfortunately  your left arm will be 3X bigger than the right.  :ROTF:

There are many threads on here ref. winch lift arrangements.   I have a WH plow on my Yamaha 4 wheeler with a winch lift.

It works very well. I even built in a yoke that automatically pulls the blade  angle locking pin when the blade is raised fully.

 The key is to put big springs ( I use 2 -6" made from garage door springs) between the winch hook and the plow so the winch over run doesn't break something.  Don't ask me how I know.


Well, I think this year we are just going to make my left arm Hulk sized and work on something next year for the winter. It should be fun. Or maybe that addition will be on my next Horse!  :happy-jumpeveryone:

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Will the WH electric lift setups work on that tractor? 

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Sure will. I put one on my 76. A dealer I frequented pulled one out and asked me if I was interested. It was a new unit but returned. The PO had cut some wires. A simple fix and it bolted right on. But......I didn't care for it (that's just me) so I went back to manual. I know what you mean about small Thanatos. I too am 145# at 5'11" tall. :) Really ticks my wife off too cuz I eat enough for three people.

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Sure will. I put one on my 76. A dealer I frequented pulled one out and asked me if I was interested. It was a new unit but returned. The PO had cut some wires. A simple fix and it bolted right on. But......I didn't care for it (that's just me) so I went back to manual. I know what you mean about small Thanatos. I too am 145# at 5'11" tall. :) Really ticks my wife off too cuz I eat enough for three people.


Nailed it!! I am the same way! When I eat I eat enough for me and a small army..  And I also have to add alot of extra weight to the rear of the tractor when I plow.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Well the work continues on the 74 while the 81 watches and waits her turn.379bdf9de1357bf9aad1feed265221e1.jpge828b86be0b37befdac4937e1c7400d1.jpg

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Looks like you're going a little deeper.  Is paint on the horizon?  :)

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Only in some spots.. Can't get any deeper or I would scrub right through the tin![emoji6]

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OK saw this little issue when I was getting ready to tear apart the front axle to clean it up. I wish I had taken a picture of what was holding it together but I was to into the moment of tearing it apart.



So this was held together by wire twisted around several times.[emoji35]

Any thoughts or where to get a new one?

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Well the new tie rods are ordered!! Hopefully they come soon!  :eusa-think:

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While I wait for the tie rods, the wheels are taking a bath. [emoji6] 63ccd9fd8e0215cd4b6e75e4d1fb64d8.jpg

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