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Manual trans question

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I bought an 8 yesterday, haven't run numbers yet but figured its a 73 no name.  It feels like new when shifted into 1st and reverse but will not even move when I try 2nd or 3rd.  It just stays in the center.  Has anyone run into this and is there any fix without dismantling the trans?  I hope one of you guys has some kind of trick.   :) 

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Umm it tells me that its not stuck between gears its probably going to need split because the PO probably did the shift on the fly and ruined the gears on the cluster shaft of the gears themselves. That's my best guess sorry its not a simple fix

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Pull out the shift lever....is the shift ball still on it?  If not, MAYBE only a broken shift lever...doubtful, but maybe. 


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The tractor runs. When moving in 1st and reverse, nice and smooth, no noise at all. 

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Like Dave said...pull out the shifter.  You can look down the hole, with a flash light, and see if you see rust on the shaft.  You can try a heavy screw driver as a pry bar, squirt some penetrating oil on the shafts and see what you think.  It is possible that the detente ball and spring may be messed up...in that case...you need to split the trans.  Do not force anything...be gentle.  :)


Since the tractor runs, you could drain the trans and put in 2 qts of diesel and run the horse in 1st and rev for a while with the tractor on blocks.  :eusa-think:

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Hey Gene, I'm excited that I get to relate my experience and hopefully help someone. My B 80 had basically the same problem with 1st and reverse, and I (with the help of Stevasaurus)found the trouble to be a rusty, pitted ball bearing and a ridge worn on the groove of the fork shaft, preventing the ball to move out of the shaft. I had to replace the 1/4" ball bearings and remove the ridge with sandpaper around a wood dowel. If you want, you can find my "story" along with a few pictures under B 80 transaxle (transmissions). Don't know if that is your problem or not, but hope my experience helps.

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I'll try to get a minute to pull the shifter tomorrow and let you guys know what I find.  :)

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