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Anyone ever try.................

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Using screw in ice studs instead of tire chains? I have ag tires, and thought it might work. 

Just looking for someone who has tried it! Thought of installing them in my tri ribs also.

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I would be intrigued to see if this is possible also

Good question

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can whlvr

I think it would work on ice very well,as long as the tires can hold the studs in,i mean not getting torn out of the tire

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They make them for motor cycles that race on ice, skid steer loaders, and many other applications.

They come in many differant lengths, and would screw into the bars on my ag tires. I would put

some in my tri ribs for steering controle. I just may have to give it a try this winter!

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I would use chains and not take a chance on damaging my tires.

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I vote with Red Rooster. Chains 'n weights.


I only use turf tires and, would worry 'bout damage to the tubeless tires.


Lot of ice? Use a spreader, calcium chloride, salt, sand.

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So they would become a set of dedicated winter tires then right? Of would you back em all out in the spring?


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I would back them out in the spring. But................I think I will have to study into it

for awhile before I decide to put them in. It wouldn't be worth it, if they start pulling


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Check out this old topic.

Via Tapatalk 4

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can whlvr

it could be hard to back them out when the heads of the screws will be messed up

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