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Explain this set up -- 312-A

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This pic is taken from a MO Craigslisting -- Never seen something like this; it has a 48" deck also mounted on it -- I assume this is someone's aftermarket way of running a KwikWay loader on this tractor -- Somehow this guy is always selling tractors with loaders 


First question: Is that a Wheel Horse design with the separate pump running off the other side of the engine?? The pump is always running in this set-up??


Second question: Why is there a manual lift lever there? Were there manual lifts sold on tractors with hydro-static transmissions??


Third question: What Eaton transmission was 1986-87 312-A?? 






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answer to second question only: A lot of 312-A's (and 314-A's) had manual lift with hydro trans. Some were equipped with electric lift. 518's and 516's are quirky that way too - hydro trans with manual lift, 520 was all hydro trans and lift (520-H)

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The 312-A has the medium duty Eaton 700 under the seat. It requires a manual lift.

Also, no that is not stock Wheelhorse as I think you know. As a matter of fact.........................I don't know why you would even remotely do what he has done plus some of the other "things" visible on this tractor.

All the lines are running to the back of the tractor and out of our sight line. I wonder if that Eaton 700 pump didn't crap out and he is running the tranny off that pump. There is no under-carrage for a loader on that tractor and you can't have a mower deck on a Wheelhorse tractor and a loader at the same time.

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Usually a manual lift 300-400 or 500 series means it has an Eaton 700 tranny. That light duty tranny will not last used on a loader tractor in my opinion.

All loaders I have ever seen had the hydraulic pump on the PTO side. I have a sneaking suspicion that the mower deck is just sitting under the tractor and not mounted.


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Ken B

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Intrusting ...VERY Intrusting .... :eusa-think:

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Loader is moved back from stock is all. Makes it hard to get on and off but better than stock location as far as stability. Looks like he's running a seperate hyd tank rather than the one in the upright

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Here are a couple other images of this 'creation'








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I can see the belt running from the pto, so the mower is hooked up. I like the way the loader is mounted, although it would make it hard to get in and out of the seat, with the loader mounted further back the rear wheels are carrying more of the weight, it would steer easier and get better traction. Plus you wouldn't need to hang as much weight off the rear of the tractor to hold the rear wheels down.

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I could use something like that! :banana-skier:  Just add a trapeze to hop in :techie-eureka:

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I sit corrected! You can have a loader and a deck on at the same time! I will say that it is nice to have a mower and a loader at the same time but as was mentioned, you can't lift much with it without putting a lot of undue stress on the frame and especially on that rear end and the frame to rear-end bolt plates. 

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Pollack Pete

Strage things some people build.Doesn't look like much room for your left leg with all that hydraulic valve and hose mess.

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Ken B

I sit corrected! You can have a loader and a deck on at the same time! I will say that it is nice to have a mower and a loader at the same time but as was mentioned, you can't lift much with it without putting a lot of undue stress on the frame and especially on that rear end and the frame to rear-end bolt plates. 

Not too mention the front spindles.. I guess we gotta give him some credit, it works... Srtictly for lifting mulch I'd say.

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I agree the benefit of loader and deck both working, but the loader sticks out too far and will be in the way when you mow.....I know, not in everyone's way, but it would be a definite hassle at my place, yes I could lift it up and put it down, but in general no real benefit for me. Clever guy though.

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So do loaders typically use the "mid-point attach-a-matic" for mounting or are they bolted onto the frame -- I am clueless -- Never actually seen ong

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elliot ness

The 312A is mine, and it is a real nice tractor, and the deck works off of the right side manual clutch and the pump works off the left side of the motor, and no it is not hard to get on and off of this tractor, and the pump is very strong, I put 26 12X12  fluid filled on the rear yesterday and it also has a forked bucket, I mounted the loader close to the rear tires so that when you raise the buck it puts the wt. towards the rear. the pump runs all the time and the deck only when you want it to. and the loader comes off in 5 min. or less. And as for the spindles, they are stock 3/4 in. but I have build many loaders and mounted many factory loaders on wheel horse's, and they only ones I ever had problems with the spindles were the D series with 3/4 in spindles.[ and that the design and wt. of the front of the rig] and yes I had a D250 with a home made loader, I'll try to post some pictures of all the Horse that I have had. And this one has hauled many  full bucket loads of dirt from our town dirt pile to my home and it's 1 mile. with no problems at all.

Edited by elliot ness
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elliot ness 

  Glad you joined up. I like the location of the loader, I've had a few and they always were stuck out to far to be any real use. My only concern is getting on and off. I ain't no tinker bell for sure.

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Nice work and welcome to Red Square Elliot!  :beer:

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What a MESS...


ALL AMERICAN ENGINEERING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,home style. 



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Btw,,,,,,,,,,wellcome mr. ness

From Frankbenny boom gatz.  



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elliot ness

Strage things some people build.Doesn't look like much room for your left leg with all that hydraulic valve and hose mess.

 There is plenty of room for me to get on and off of this loader tractor, and enough room for my left leg and I am 5ft.11in. tall and wt. is 180! and I am not a kid anymore ,67and counting. I have had many wheelhorses with loaders and I have mounted lots, but this is the first one where I mounted the pump on the left side of the motor, thus made it user friendly for the deck.

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Where do you find all of those tractors with loaders?? -- Are there that many of them in outstate MO??

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elliot ness

Here are a few pics of the coupling that I made for the loader pump, that I put on the left side of the Kohler single.











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Excellent set up!

Edited by duke

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