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By CHuls
*Estate Sale*
71-16KS02 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71223A 16hp Sundstrand Hydrostatic 90-1140
Comes with mower deck (not sure but, I'm told it's a 48") & 42" plow blade model/sn 42BC01 08580 7276
Been sitting for years, haven't been able to get it started. When I put a little gas in to try starting it this year, it leaked from the tank, probably cracked fuel hose
Not sure what it's all worth together but, make an offer.
By PMeadows
Thinking about selling my 1974 C-160 and hoping to get a feel for interest. It has working hydraulics, front plow, single row rear plow, 42" belly mower deck, 55lb wheel weights. Runs fantastic, no smoke. Lights work, amp meter works, has plug in cigarette lighter (doesn't work). Left rear wheel cylinder has slow leak.
By Hoppy Rabbit
I went to a wheel horse show in PA and picked up a B-100 Automatic. I restored and cleaned it up after I brought it home. It had everything except the Headlights. I got a lense and looked online for the housing and cable. I found one on ebay except it was $67 plus shipping. It didn't even have all the parts. https://www.ebay.com/itm/265133794229?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=dhBhG47STyW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY.I was just wondering if there is anywhere to get a cheaper one with all the parts so I can finish it.
By RJ Hamner
The C-160 just wasn't running right. Started with new points, plug, filters.
I had put an aftermarket carb on it but had found a good Carter N in the correct size so I rebuilt it.
Got it started this afternoon and had it running at about half speed to warm it up so I could make the final adjustment to the carb.
It purred along for about 4 minutes and just quit.
First thought was "out of gas". Looked in the tank and sure enough it was really low so I filled it up.
Tried to start it again .....NOTHING
Went and rechecked everything ....NOPE
Got out the can of starting fluid...NOPE
Pulled the plug and noticed the gap was ZERO. Re-gapped and tried again. Same thing again no gap.
Pulled the head. Looked normal.
When I cycled the engine I noticed that the exhaust valve didn't fully retract.
Was able to remove the exhaust valve with two fingers!!!!!
Guess I am in the market for a new set of keepers and a few gaskets.
The guys at McHenry's Small Engine Love Me
By tractorman99
Hi everyone,
I bought a wheel-horse c-160 a while back, and did some work with it.
One day the rear axle housing broke:
I was thinking about changing the part or soldering the broken pieces.
Does anyone know where to order this part? Or has any idea of the potential cost of a soldering job?
Thank you in advance!