Craigslist find! Suburban 400 in Green Bay Wisconsin
Tyler9014, in Wheel Horse Tractors
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By RJ Hamner
Had just cleaned out the fuel system and thought I'd run it around the block but with the clutch depressed and slack in the belt the transmission pulley still is turning too fast to allow it to go into gear.
Here is the picture of the setup. Am I missing a part or have I miss installed something?
By mhlmeader
Hi folks, picked this up this evening. Never done a tare down restoration, so this looked like a good one to do it on. Engine fired on some starting fluid when I got it home, so that's a positive sign. Prolly was a forum member I got it from, it's a small world after all. Told the fiancee it would be hers, dont know why, but that's what I told her anyway...anywho just sharing.