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Finally arrived in US from Great Britain for the big show

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I have been planning a trip to the big show now for a couple of years & Now I am finally here in US.

After a 17 hour journey from South West England , we have arrived in New York City .

We checked into our hotel around 20 mins ago answered an email from Karl and we are just about ready to collapse form the journey .

We plan to spend a few days in NYC to do some sightseeing then we will be traveling onto Conneticut to stay with Mike Martino for a few days then on Thursday I will be subjecting the US highways to some of my English driving .

Knowing that you guys drive on the wrong side of the road over here & the steering wheel is also on the wrong side of the vehicle ,getting used to this change is gonna be quite interesting.

I hope to post up a few pics of our visit so check in for regular updates.

This pilot looking chap is the dude that is gonna be flying our plane


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UH oh...clear the roads.   :) 

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welcome to the USA !


you will love flipping the windshield washer lever instead of the turn signal!   have fun. 


I guess at the show we just have to look for chap with the jellied eel! :D

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Good luck

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nice to have you here,Neil!!!!


driving here aint that bad, i guess it took me a day or two to get out on the road without taking the left side instead of the right! (right, but really its wrong...)


its been 15 years or so now, every now and again i find myself thinking and sometimes second guessing until i remember where i am. but I've never pulled out on the road on the wrong side again since that first day! i still remember the look on the drivers face in the car coming towards me..... :ROTF:  :ROTF:


hope you enjoy your stay here. Im sure you will enjoy meeting some of us midwesterners at the show this year as well. sorry i won't be there to meet you though......


I'm sure Steve will more than make up for it though. 


Hey Steve, show the Englishman a good time, ok?

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I had to drive a postal truck with the steering on the WRONG side when I worked on them EGAD!!!  :)  Nice to have you aboard Neil. Watch out for guys with Chicago Bears jersey's on!  :)

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Ken B

Welcome Neil!

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Busy day today sightseeing in New Yoick

Cannot. Wait for the big show. This time next week I hope to be on the highway heading for the show.

Really looking forward to putting faces to names.

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welcome Neil see you at the big show



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Welcome to New York Neil and Carolyn!  As you know, it's a fabulous city with plenty to do and see.  Really looking forward to meeting up with you at the show, hope you've recovered from your long flight and time change!

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Welcome Neil. See you at the  :wh:  show.

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Fun Engineer

Welcome to the colonies Neil. Hope to meet you at the show.

Dave B

Sent from my tractor seat using Tapatalk 2

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Welcome to the States, Neil. Enjoy your trip.

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Definitely going to show Neil a good time.  He may not want to go back.  He will be following me on the roads, so he should be OK.  :)

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Looking forward to meeting you in person at the show!

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Definitely going to show Neil a good time.  He may not want to go back.  He will be following me on the roads, so he should be OK.  :)

Alaska is wonderful this time of year!  :)  :ychain:

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Have fun Neil!

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Welcome to the states! Have a safe and fun,fun time!

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Enjoy us Neil...
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Thanx for all the welcomes guys,

That is soooo funny Lars. Great song

Haven't quite got over the time differences yet at I am writing this at 4 am as it would be 10 am in UK.

Had a day in Downtown Manhatten yesterday , Liberty statue, Ellis Island etc

Also went to World Trade Centre Memorial , that place literally brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful memorial they have given to those that lost their lives in 911

The new WTC building is just awesome .

Was hoping to go into the 911 museum but there was a 3 hour wait in the waiting line. So we swerved past that for another time.

New York City is an amazing place to visit, this is my second time in the Big Apple & it just gets better each time.

Wonderful food,

Amazing architecture

And the size of the trucks is just mind bowing

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nice to see we have you hear from so far enjoy your stay and hope to meet you at the show on Friday!

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Welcome Neil. I-95 can be a bit hairy at times, just be a little extra cautious on that stretch of highway. Enjoy your stay for sure. 

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I vote that the for the RS picture..the members who travel the farthest..are up front! :D



        Did you bring a Union Jack?

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I may be wearing a pair of Union Jack shorts to the show,

I hope people don't think that I have brought the British weather with me, We got caught in a huge thunder storm yesterday and got soaking wet, , I actually thought you RS guys had arranged the storm to me us feel at home .

3.30 AM as I wrote this post, still can't get used to the time change, would be 9.30 AM in UK.

Spoke on the phone to Mike Martino last night & had a good chat

Had a Skype call with steveasaurus just before we went out to evening dinner, ended up talking for ages so didn't get dinner lol .

Anyone that gets a chance to visit New York should got to the 911 museum, all I can say is , WOW .

Another WOW, 2 New York bagels , 2 latte coffees 1 choc chip muffin $35.00

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Digger 66

I had to drive a postal truck with the steering on the WRONG side when I worked on them EGAD!!!  :)  Nice to have you aboard Neil. Watch out for guys with Chicago Bears jersey's on!  :)


It just would not feel right shifting with my left hand ..... :eusa-think:

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