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By WH1618speed
1965 Wheel Horse 855 with 42" blade and chains
Runs good
Sheet metal is very straight, great candidate for restoration.
Missing Belt guard
Will sell tractor by itself for $500 without blade and chains
Blade is straight and lots of cutting edge left... just a little rusty.
Text, call, or email with any questions. If you call and I don't answer please leave a voicemail with your name and number. Thanks!
I can also deliver to the big show in Arendtsville, PA... IF you prepay.
Facebook Marketplace link with more pics: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/598023068755689?rid=229092436403311&ad_id&rt=1&refID=0&refType=0&referral_code=commerce_attachment
By Willhaven
I bought my very first lawn tractor yesterday. It’s a 211-5SB. After mowing an incline yesterday (I went sideways) the blades stopped engaging. It took about 6-7 tried to get the engine to turn over this morning, and the deck still isn’t engaged. Any tips to debug for a novice? Pic of scalped incline and my tractor for reference. Thank you.
By Anvil
I would like to check with you guys about the pros and cons of increasing the speed of the deck blades, possibly by increasing the diameter of the drive pulley on the PTO clutch. Anybody do this????? I'm not so worried about the spindle shafts on the deck as I grease the heck out of them on a regular basis. The Mule longevity however, without a grease fitting concerns me. Your thoughts????
Does anyone have a illustrated parts list, or a link to one, for a 1984 Wheel Horse 48" mower deck that includes the spindle & blade assemblies?
Thanks in advance for any help........................Mike
By slpalmer
Greetings all,
Here is my 1977 C-160 in mid-restoration. She purrs like a kitten. They don't sell blades for this deck anymore (as far as I could find) so I bought some close and had a machine shop drill the extra holes to make them fit. I should see tomorrow how well that works out.
I'm in SE TX, looking for garden plow and tiller attachments for this sweet girl.
Hope you enjoy the pics!