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j main

Carb problems on a 10 hp kohler k241

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j main

     Hi Guys


I need a little help or advice I have a 10hp kohler model k241 my problem is it wount run smooth it sputers a little I just had new valves put in new head gasket and the carb just had a kit put in it I rember when I bought the carb kit the man told me to make sure I dnt get it a 180 degrees out could this be my problem it runs fine until the motor gets warm then it starts to act up what could be my problem it has a new fuel filter a new spark plug its getting plenty of gas I just dnt understand whats going on with it now



                                                      Plz guys I need help  Thank you

                                                                            Jeff Main

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Sounds like you need points and a condenser to me.  Or it may be your carb needs adjusted, download the Kohler manual either at their website or in our manuals section.  It will give you step by step instructions on how to adjust both.

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