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520H creeping

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I followed the neutral adjust procedure in the manual, but after I put it back on the ground, it still wants to creep.  I have done it again and again with no success.. 

Also, the change from forward to reverse and vice-versa is violent.  Moving the lever in the neutral slot can sometimes make it move.  What am I doing wrong?


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Hi Papasan.


I doubt your doing anything wrong. You may have some worn out linkage to your hydro. I sometimes experience it but if you have it all the time, wait for the Trannie gurus to come to your aid. Sounds like something is hanging up in the linkage. 

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I found that every once in a while take the linkages and plates off the trans and clean everything good, then put it back together  Grass gets in there and prevents full movement.  When tightening that adjustment locking bolt, I turn the adjuster a little counter clockwise to compensate for the movement from tightening. 


The violent actions sounds like you may have too much tension on the plate.  Maybe loosen it a bit see if that helps.

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I'll try this tomorrow. Thanks

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I got a C-165 that had a severely worn cam plate. It was impossible to adjust (there was almost 1/4" play on the lever that goes into the hydro pump) between the cam plate being worn and the follower that sits in it having flat spots worn on it.


Going from forward to reverse was very jerky because that play would allow the lever to "jump" even when I was moving it slowly.


Check the play on that lever and if its more than just a tiny bit, replace both cam pate and follower bushing and lubricate them.

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Got the creep under control. The plate where you adjust the motion friction was too loose. Most of the jerking is gone. not all but most.

Thanks for the help.

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And it only takes a tad of adjustment on these trannys to get a lot of adjustment. Good news is it's an easy adjustment.

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Well, I'm not satisfied with the jerking.  I'll check the cam and bushing for play when I get some time.  I had a C120 Automatic before and it was very smooth.  I'll let you know what happens.


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On my c160 the jerkiness was due to a loose hub brought on by peaking axle seals.  Don't know if your hubs are like mine but if they are you can check that.

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