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power washer sandblasting

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I have been looking at attachments for a gas power washer so you can use it for wet sandblasting. I have a power washer and really don't want to invest in a large compressor and I would rather use the space for another tractor. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this? There are some impressive videos on Youtube. But there are a lot of different ones to choose from.

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I looked into that many years ago and was persuaded not ot do it,  but I'm not sure I remember why.  I'm a painting contractor and had bought a new commercial unit from the store I was doing business with and the sandblasting kit was backordered.  The store changed hands and I changed stores.  I then asked the current store about the kit and was told not to buy.  I think it was because you can only use sand (no other media) and clean up was a pain.  You had to wait until everything dried to really clean up.  Orther than that, I've heard it works well (if memory serves me right).

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I worked at a gararage several

years ago where we sandblasted and painted large

snowplows and salt spreaders. We sandblasted with

a large gas powered compressor outside with a press-

ure blaster. It worked but sand everywhere. We had

a large steam cleaner/pressure washer. The boss found an attachment that went on the washer wand.

It had a ceramic nozzle.and pulled sand out of a container. It worked great! No dust, all you needed

was safety glasses. On that unit there.was no out of

the ordinary cleanup. Just flush everything with water.

I dont remember it being.bad at all. I would definitely

look intp it.if you blast a lot. It not quite as powerful

as straight sandblasting. But not.having to wear all

that gear and the sand staying.in one.spot.makes up


Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapa talk

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If you plan on using frequently you should get one with a replaceable tip.  I'm planning on getting mine from here.  http://www.ultimatewasher.com/sandblaster.htm  They also vary by the amount of pressure they can handle. 

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Thanks guys I was leaning towards the northern tools one. I will have to check pressure of my washer and I will check into replaceable tips. Thanks 

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