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Mr. 856

Can you "cook" a coil by leaving + on?

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Mr. 856

Is it possible to "cook" a coil if the + wire was hooked up and left on with voltage going to the coil? I know mysteriously have a no spark issue after having the engine running. I left the battery connections hooked to the coil overnight after test start. Battery went dead.....charged it. Tested it. Hooked back up to engine and now I have no spark...........did I cook the coil? I manually starting with rope so its hard to do any testing with two hands one pulling a rope.

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Yes you can cook a coil by leaving it on. 


I have seen it happen.  But I have also seen the ignition left on and the coil was OK as well.


One of these is a great tool:  http://www.amazon.com/Lisle-20610-Inline-Spark-Tester/dp/B0002STSC6  TT told me to get one years ago, and I use it often.

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Yes the coil can get cooked if the points are closed.

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Yes. Dont ask me how I know.

Left the ignition on in my old

Dodge and cooked the coil, the

mag. pickup in dist. and ballast

resistor. Worst part is I have a

battery cut off switch. That

was an expensive episode of CRS.

Oil litetally bubbled out of the coil.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

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Mr. 856

would I have any spark if the coil was cooked? I can get it to fire on spray......wont stay running though. this is a fresh rebuild and it started on the second pull after I figured out I had to have the coil powered up. I shut it down and restarted it again and it ran for 10-15 minutes. I changed the fuel pump to carb line out with a solid one instead of the soft material I had there. Now she wont fire off. Really wish I had a buddy that would give me a hand. I need more the two eyes and hands to figure out what's going on. Where to start? make sure fuel pump is pumping? I know I have spark for it to fire on spray. Im assuming the coil is still good..

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Get a $4 spark plug tester and see if you have spark.

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WH nut

Get a $4 spark plug tester and see if you have spark.

Or save 4 bucks and pull the plug and lay it on the head and spin her.

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Well, that certainly is the common description of a fuel problem - will run on spray and wont without. Since you did work on the fuel system just prior, then retrace your steps, something must have changed.

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There was a post a few years back that someone caught their garage on for by leaving the key on. I guess the oil in the coil caught on fire. I take my keys out when I park them. (keeps the kids from getting into trouble as well.)

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They will also EXPLODE. Halfway to the track with our dirt track car

years back some fool left something ON ( likely me ) and BOOM sound

like a shotgun, no problem just a basket of wire and oil everywhere.

A darn good thing no one close, it would not have been pretty !!!

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Chris, this may be the thread you were talking about...


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